Chapter Three

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(Alice): A-N-T-H-O-N-Y Darling, wake up. We have a guest. Would not want to be rude now, would we? His eyes flutter open and I can see in his eyes that for a split second he forgot where he was. Laying in the cage opposite him is his disappointment of a brother, Milo. (Anthony): Milo? What is he doing here? (Alice): Case number 2. Milo Miller. Tendency to live as a coward who complains about everything except the way the wind blows. Always competing with your brother in desperate attempts to make your parents proud of you. So much so that he threw our former relationship under the bus as many times as he could. Dont get me started on the plain crap he would make up about me because lets face it, nobody else including himself was interesting enough to talk about As I am explaining my motives, I am taking Milo out of his cage and tying him up. There is a huge container that has been heating up all day. (Anthony): That smell Acid? (Alice): Ding ding ding! We have a winner, ladies and gentlemen. You see, Milo was always pathetic. I was simply the easy target. Cause he would never win against the loveable, favourable, younger son. So, dont worry love. It will be a quick death. Painful but quicker than you deserve His mouth has been taped shut since he was brought here because I had no interest in entertaining his depressing complaining about everything in his life that is so unfair. Always complaining about how dreadful his parents were, that he had an awful childhood because his brother was always the favourite child and then writing a book about them being horrible towards him. Yet when I tried to help the bastard, I became the target of their disappointing family. Rest well, Milo. At least you wont need hoodies in hell. *SPLASH* There he goes. Boiling in acid as his body withers away. (Anthony): NO! No need to scream, Tony. He is already dead. (Alice): Enjoying the view? (Anthony): You are heartless and insane! (Alice): I am what you made me, honey. You and your shitheads you surround yourself with that only tried to mess with my head. Lets see what happens the longer I mess with yours. Either I destroy your sanity and you beg me to end your life or we end it the fun way with all these tools. Sleep well now. I will be back again soon A restful sleep is exactly what I needed to start the new day. Mother and father have been telling me how wonderful my project has been going so far. Alex is not entirely on board with it but his lover is poisoning his mind with pointless happiness and hope. Love only gets you so far, until it strangles the life out of you. Some people break free and survive. Others are not that lucky and end up dead. I loved Anthony more than he ever deserved and that was my mistake. A mistake that I will never make again. In case you are wondering why I am so in pain and hurt. It was other exes who did the same as well. Their bodies have already been disposed of so this is the current project we are focusing on. But now that his crap-storm of a brother is dealt with and out of the way, there are several other guests that will be visiting Tony soon. But I have plans today. Drinks with the girls in the luxury lounge and catching up. It has been so long since I last saw them. Champagne on ice, caviar, shrimp cocktails, enough snacks to feed well, us. Dorian Pauper is one of my best friends. So is Trisha Sullivan. We have known each other for the longest time and Hauntlyville is where we all call our home. We all share the same belief that love is a waste of time. Trisha is a real estate agent that earns millions every month and Dorian is a club owner that earns double. Yet I am still the wealthiest one here? Interesting. Despite all that, we are doing well in our business affairs. Speaking of business affairs. Dorian was telling us a story about how he caught a billionaire heiress sleeping with her superior at the club. (Dorian): I was shocked, girl! Emmaline Somers, was it? (Trisha): Yes! Somers! I remember seeing her on the news (Alice): Trish, darling. The news? (Trisha): Gossip magazines (Dorian): I was minding my own business. Walking around the club to make sure that nothing too devious was going on and damn sure someone was getting lucky in one of the private suites! With a married man! (Alice): Oh dear (Trisha): Married? You left that detail out when you told me! (Dorian): It was too juicy to spill to one person, Trishy darl! (Alice): What happened? Did they see you? (Dorian): Yeah they saw me glancing from afar, but the even more shocking thing is that it didnt stop them! (Alice): Must have been the alcohol. Burns off a few brain cells and from the way the people were behaving, maybe it got the last of it that night (Dorian): So, I obviously had to do the right thing. I called the wife and boy oh boy did shit go down (Trisha): This is where it gets even juicier! (Dorian): The wife gets to the suite door and she can hear them through the door, right? She bangs on it to let him know that he is about to get his ass handed to him. But then the heiress stands up and smiles at the wife (Alice): Taunting and devilish. I think I like her (Trisha): But wait! Tell her what happened after she smiled at her! (Dorian): The wife looks at her and says, Of all the people in Hauntlyville, you go and screw my daughter! Everyone gasped! He continues with the story but I cannot help thinking about the poor wife. As juicy of a story that might be That wife must be torn to pieces. Not only did she catch her husband being unfaithful but with her own daughter? Of course, it was a daughter from her second or third marriage. But wouldnt that have been enough torture? Not only have you been enormously disappointed by several divorces and been through the traumatic suffering of childbirth, but then to have your husband do such a thing? I would have smashed his skull in and thrown the rest of his flesh sack into a huge fire. Burning the toxic thing out of existence for good. After we spend almost the entire day catching up and finishing maybe three or four bottles of champagne, we call it a night.

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