Chapter Six

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Mothers birthday party was amazing. I have been daydreaming in the bathtub about my latest case being successful. Mothers birthday was a month ago, and my latest case was two days ago. The case of Xs and Os I wanted to call it. I lay my head back and dream back to what happened.

*DAYS AGO. Case number four: *

Anthony looks angry for some reason. It seems like it would be a bit late to only feel angry now after being here for months. He looks up at me and he looks down again. He is depressed. Good. I was depressed throughout the entire fucking relationship so he should get used to it. (Alice): We have four special guests today, dear I turn on the lights and there they are. An ex-girlfriend and three fucking ex-flings. Right where they should be. (Anthony): An aquarium medium-sized fish tank? They are going to drown, Alice. Please stop! For once. If you ever loved me, you- (Alice): No sweetie, you cant play that card. Because if you ever loved me, you wouldnt have treated me like I broke the law trying to be a good girlfriend to you. They shouldnt worry about drowning in there I smile because there is something else that they should worry about. (Alice): Michelle, Fauna, Flora, and Valeria. You all look so surprised. Well, Tony. In one way or another, they tried their best to get their hands on you whether we were together or not. Yet when you were single, you had no appeal to them at all. What a pity. They tried to be sharks, and everyone said there are plenty of fish in the sea. Now Ill feed them to them *SPLASH* I poured my container of piranhas into the fish tank and then it happened so beautifully. Piece by piece the fish ate at everything in sight. There was clear water merged with blood and tears. It was a sight to see. Anthony couldnt believe what he was watching, and it almost made him throw up. Weak man, weak stomach. What did I ever see in that loser? Once the fish finished the job, I had finished my drink. (Alice): Have you been enjoying the show these last few weeks, Anthony? Learned anything useful? (Anthony): You are evil (Alice): No, baby. What you, your friends and family did to me was evil. What I am going to do to you and these people is called karma. I hear shes a bitch *SLAM*

I closed the door and walked out feeling really good about myself. It felt amazing to get in his head like that. Alex has been back at work and I really dont see the point in oneself to be surrounded by small children for seven plus hours a day, five days a week, and then being stressed by making sure they are all alive and happy at the end of the day. I am still learning how to keep myself happy. Trying to navigate those five days a week with over thirty children the thought is enough to drive myself over to an insane facility. But it was a really good day to feed someone or someones to a bunch of piranhas. Fragile little people they were. Karma really sucks when you have been a horrible person your entire life. That is why I love to let Anthony watch everything I do, so it can burn into his brain. Like how all the things they did to me is burned into mine for who knows how long. I lay on my bed and cant believe how much I put up with just to feel a shred of love in return. Why bother with that ever again? Love someone just to end up getting hurt, until the hurt becomes suffering, and then it becomes trauma, then it ends up changing you completely into a different person. If I never had to say the L word again, my life would most definitely be so much better than how it has been. Alex walks into my room and says that he wants to do something special for dinner tomorrow evening. I, however, have questions. (Alice): What is going on tomorrow night that you want to do something special? (Alex): Its all good things, nothing horrible has happened so there is no reason to worry, sister. I just want everyone to be dressed up and in the best spirits for the evening (Alice): If you want me to be in good spirits, then you would tell me what the occasion is (Alex): Nice try (Alice): At least a hint? Something? What I dress in black and red with my favourite corset and you have us meeting the pope or something? (Alex): You need not worry about the clothes you wear, sister. We both know the pope is not visiting us any time soon after what happened with that priest years ago (Alice): *chuckles* Did they ever find out what happened to the poor old man? (Alex): Got what was coming to him. After all those unanswered questions of missing children, hes simply paying his dues six feet under (Alice): Regardless of how lovely it is to hear the tale once again, you must tell me what the reason is for the dinner. Please? (Alex): Can you give me the benefit of the doubt? (Alice): Fine. Odd but alright. I shall be there. But the food better be good (Alex): Its not like we ever are the ones doing the cooking (Alice): You have me there. Goodnight, brother (Alex): Sweet dreams Sweet dreams? I wish. Or not. 

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