Chapter Thirteen

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The call I received was about something that I have been looking into for the last few months. Alex and I are still talking in his room before dinner. (Alex): I just keep going through every possible scenario in my mind and none of them make sense. Why did he cheat? Why go through all of the effort of proposing and planning a wedding if he wanted to throw it all away? (Alice): I dont think that I will ever know the answer to that one, brother He stands up, pacing up and down. He is clearly overthinking as he is searching for answers. (Alex): I think I finally understand why you hate love. All it does is causes pain and disappointment. How do you handle all of it? (Alice): Oh, brother. There is no fixed way to handle the dreadful consequences of opening yourself up to someone like that but you will get through it. Im always here to help We hug and go downstairs for dinner. Mother and father had the house staff prepare everything to be extra special. Clearly they are as excited about Alexs first kill as I am. We sit down and everything feels amazing. Delicious food, scented candles, great music, and the best drinks. (Alex): I know that this is supposed to be a dinner to celebrate my first kill but there is something else that I wanted to talk about (Mother): What is it, darling? (Alex): I quit my job as a teacher (Mother): Wonderful news! (Father): Marvellous! Well done, son! (Alice): It all gets better from here! (Alex): However, I am going to join the navy as my career The dinner table becomes so silent that suddenly the music feels too loud. Mother spits cocktail, father almost fully chokes on his steak and my face freezes in shock. (Alice): War? You are going to go to war? (Alex): After my first kill, I just had an epiphany (Alice): You kill two men in a fit of rage and pout about it. Then somehow think that makes you prepared for war? (Mother): Son, have you at least thought this though? Theres nothing fashionable nor elegant in the standard army uniform (Father): Why dont you join me in the medical field, son? Itll be much more rewarding with less opportunities to have your own head blown off (Alex): I am joining the navy! Thats it! Non-negotiable! If I joined the navy or military after only killing two people then I would be under the dirt somewhere. How can he be so naïve? There is so much silence in the room that is enough to choke even an empty urn. I decide to break the silence and share my news to make everything less awkward. If that is even possible. (Alice): I have been job hunting myself. Therapy has always been a passion of mine but I found a new passion. I received a job offer to be a highly trained assassin (Mother): Are you sure about leaving the Therapist career behind? I thought it really suited you (Father): After your success in your projects lately. I say, go for it. Will you be working for the CIA, FBI, LAPD, or any other corporation we know of? (Alice): That information is classified but I am looking forward to the career opportunity (Alex): Are all of you ridiculous? You judge me about going into war but Alice is literally becoming a contract killer, going out on her own and yet that doesnt alarm you? (Mother): Alice has decades of experience in that matter which cannot be said for you as well, Alex Oh gosh. Mother hardly uses our actual names unless she is embarrassed or angry. He is treading on thin ice now and he knows it very well. (Alex): Fine then! Thank you all for dinner. I will be off to my bedroom for the night He stands up and walks angrily out of the room. I excuse myself as well as I head to my bedroom for the evening too. Am I worried about Alex being in the line of fire? Of course, I am. He knocked out two guys with vases. How is that at all army prep in any shape or form? Mother and father are as conflicted as I am but there is nothing we can do about it at all. He has clearly made up his mind about the entire idea. I soak in a hot bubble bath and drink some champagne to relax. Overthinking is not going to help the current situation. After my bath and I get dressed, Alex is saying his goodbyes to everyone. Once he gets to me, I already knew what he was up to. (Alex): Youre really leaving. Now? I cross my arms and look at him. How can he be so impulsive? We had only just had the conversation about his new job and now he is suddenly leaving. Was it because of mother? Was it because of my new career? What could he be thinking? (Alex): I chose to leave tonight so I would arrive early in the morning to get started immediately (Alice): You always had a love for being frustratingly punctual. Promise to keep in touch? I will literally hunt you down in the midst of war and drag your ass back home if you dont (Alex): I promise that I will keep you posted as often as I can. Also because I know that you are hot-headed enough to actually do that without hesitation It would be good for him to remember that because it is the most truthful thing about me. Being capable of anything at the snap of a finger is what makes me so interesting. Unpredictable. Unavailable. Unreadable. After the last encounters of false relationships. I hope that everyone knows, I am not the bitch to screw with. Not yesterday, not today and certainly not tomorrow. (Alice): Its what keeps people hooked. You love it anyway (Alex): Of course. We all do. I just want to do some good in the world and joining people who share the same goal felt right for me. It just feels like the path that I needed to go on. I just hope everyone understands (Alice): Always, brother I give him a huge hug and it brings tears to my eyes knowing that even without the impending idea of marriage or a boyfriend, he still chose to leave. Scarlet Castle wont be the same without him here. I sincerely hope that he finds what he is looking for in this new venture. God forbid anything happens. I will hunt down the entire platoon.

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