Chapter Fifteen

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*Two years later*

Trisha gave birth to a beautiful little girl that she named Taylor Alice Sullivan. Dorian got a gold bracelet so he wasnt too bothered about her naming her daughter in honour of me. My career as a highly trained assassin has been more fulfilling than I expected it to be. Mother and father have become more involved in their royal duties which has made things busier at Scarlet Castle than usual. Requiring us to dress more formally so other than wearing trousers at my job, its all dresses for me back home. We actually never met the father of Trishas baby girl. She has no idea who he is either so thats that. Taylor, however, looks exactly like Trisha. She has blue eyes that are as blue as the clear skies and brown hair that are so gorgeous. I have not changed my mind about having no children one day so calm down before you make any assumptions. Dorian has been doing very well at his club but he wanted to do something new. He couldnt decide whether he wanted to be a photographer, a fashion blogger, or a bartender. That is just who Dorian is. His life passions, goals and dreams tend to change every few weeks but as long as that diva is happy, then we as friends are happy for him. Although, something insane happened once Taylor was born. Trisha asked me to be her godmother and it seemed harsh to decline that so I accepted. This is why I call her everyday to ensure that I dont have the unfortunate job. I mean, that she is still alive. Mother and father have become the new second in line to the throne since Aunt Rene and her husband Peter had their titles removed in order to do some humanitarian work worldwide and focus solely on health and sciences. Uncle Ronald and his wife Daniella, as King and Queen, were not excited to hear the news. He and father have always been competitive with each other about everything in life. This, of course, means that mother and father no longer work at their former jobs. In turn, they have been fighting less since they have common goals in royalty. Aunt Tabitha is still engaged to her fiancé Benjamin. Mother laughs about it to this day because it has been four years since he proposed and they have yet to plan a wedding. She always said that Aunt Tabitha wouldnt go through with the commitment of a wedding for another decade. Whilst contemplating the recent events that have happened, I come back to the present reality and realise where I am. Sitting on my bench at the window, drinking some cappuccino. The house staff is busy cleaning the castle. Thats right! Alex comes home today! Mother and father are all dressed up and they look really fancy. I take my time as usual to get a relaxing bubble bath in, do some skin exfoliation along with the rest of my skincare routine, get dressed, then do my hair and makeup. By the time I am finished, I rush down to the entryway where mother and father are awaiting Alexs arrival. He walks in and I run to give him a huge hug. Running in heels is a skill that I was taught to master as a little girl. Mother and father greet Alex and they let him know about the dinner party tonight in his honour. In the meantime, we walk to his bedroom and I fill him in on the latest details as I help him unpack. (Alice): So that is everything that happened while you were away (Alex): Wow. A lot has happened in the last two years He couldnt believe it but the stories that he told me about his deployment sounded like so much fun! The gunfire! The action! The fighting! Then the adrenaline in the midst of it all! (Alice): Did you meet any cute guys? (Alex): Only you would ask that, sister. There were so many cute guys but that wasnt my focus. Staying alive so I could tell you all about it was I give him a big hug again and we cant stop telling each other about the crazy things that happened over the years. We toast with some champagne to the strength of family and our success. I know it sounds ridiculous but hes my brother and I would do anything to make him happy. (Alex): After all of those adventures. I have to ask. Do you still hate love? (Alice): Yes. I do. The thought of searching for someone to be the person that I spend my life with and to have children with It still makes my blood boil. There are too many years of damage done for me to trust again (Alex): Are you at least happy? (Alice): Even more now that you have returned home, brother We hug once more and walk downstairs once he has cleaned up. Mother has once again outdone herself with the decoration and delicious food. She told us that there are so many things that Uncle Ronald and father have competed for, and that was including her! When she met father, Uncle Ronald was jealous of how beautiful mother was and wanted to steal her first. They both asked her on dates and then it got to a point where Uncle Ronald asked mothers hand in marriage, but she then realised that she was in love with father. It made all of us laugh to think of the idea that he could have been our father. That would have been such a weird way to grow up because Uncle Ronald is so full of himself that I dont think he could have handled being a father. It is also why mother does her best not to be talking to Uncle Ronald, and that his wife is always threatened when mother is around. These stories are always fun to learn about and major eye-openers. In all these years, I have learned more than I thought possible. But one thing that will definitely not change is that I hate love.

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