Chapter Ten

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After that talk with Alex, I have been starting to feel a lot better. It has been a self-reflection type of a few days. My project has been going nice and slowly. Its probably driving Anthony insane but that is all part of the plan. Today is the day for case number six. Ashley and Hannah are the girlfriends of his two best friends that I sliced with a chainsaw like they were pinatas. Honestly, I was planning on letting them live but something told me to just go for it and embrace it. After all, they were also nagging on me along with their boyfriends to make me drink until it could physically poison anyone. After begging me to join in on poisoning their organs, they would complain and talk awfully about me whilst praising the lovely Anthony. At least they wont be missed whatsoever. But I feel like making their lives miserable for once and it is going to be a lot of fun for me. (Anthony): Youre not going to talk at all? Didnt take you for the serial killer type Interesting to say since serial killers literally do what I have been doing but I have nothing to say to him. I had the servants explain it to him by reading it as it was written on my pages. Ashely and Hannah are laying in the same fish tank I used for Anthonys exes when I fed them to my gorgeous piranhas. However, I left it empty because I have a different plan for these two. I am going to drown them in cold hard liquor. A proper sendoff if you will. Who said I was not one for irony? (Anthony): Seriously? You not talking is actually freaking me out Then be freaked out, mister. I have nothing to say to this buffoon. He should just watch the show, shut up and silently go insane as the voices in his head along with the images will eat him up on the inside. That is literally it. I am not asking for too much, am I? To frighten his mind so much that it will either kill him first or he will beg me to end his misery for him. I start filling up the tank with alcohol and the girls are begging me not to do this. That they are sorry for all the things they have said and done. Oh, please. Who cares? Shut up. (Anthony): Alice! Look at me! You dont have to keep doing this. You dont have to kill anyone! I just look at him with a blank expression on my face. Humbly giving him the shut the fuck up look. One of my favourites. The people who have tried to come after me over the years have all seen it but not many of them have lived to tell the tale. But nonetheless, yes I do have to do this ignorant Anthony. You never understood me when I asked for common decency in a relationship for several years so what would help you to understand me explaining my motives yet again for the millionth time? Exes who had treated their girlfriends or boyfriends like trash have a special place in hell reserved for them and they definitely do not deserve the option of receiving an explanation. You fucked up too many times for your own selfish needs. Plain and simple. Life simply goes on. (Anthony): Why are you not even talking to me? At least do that one thing. It is all I ask One thing? Are you fucking kidding me? I stop and walk away from the tank that is slowly filling up and over to Anthonys cage. I look at him for a second and cock my head to one side in shock. How dare you? Then I slap him the hardest I have ever slapped anyone in my life. It is almost as if the ground shook as the world itself was in awe of that magnificent slap. (Alice): After everything that I did for you. You dare to ask me for yet one more thing? Claiming that it is the only thing you ask? Go to hell, Tony I turn around and smirk at the girls as the liquor has filled so much that you cannot hear their screams anymore. Might want to save your breath ladies, make it last longer. Smiling at them comes naturally as I know that their lungs are filling with alcohol. Tragedy isnt it, ladies? Payback is a bitch and I was more than happy to collect. Especially when you both, and your boyfriends went out of their way to be insufferable, pathetic, toxic people. Sucks when someone forces you to drink when you begged not to, right? Oh, wait. Youre all dead. Once they stopped moving at all, we just threw them in the acid container to dispose of any evidence. They had too much alcohol in them to feed them to Mrs Scales. We do not want to have a drunk crocodile on the loose at Scarlet Castle. That would be hilarious. Perhaps chaotic too but I am no stranger to the dramatics. As you have noticed till now. Anthony begs me to set him free but I just walk out of the basement without saying a word. What is there to say anymore? Honestly there is nothing to say when it comes to an ungrateful, narcissistic, pessimistic, easily impressionable, misogynistic, disrespectful, dishonest, miserable, toxic, and heartless person. There is nothing left inside of me to care about his feelings anymore. Its all dried up. He made the decision to put me through hell and expected me to lay down while it was supposed to kill me. He didnt expect me to stand up and say try again bitch. Everyone who tried to destroy me and let me lay down to die, never expected me to have such a grand fucking rebirth. Surprise honey. The only ones left on the list are him and his dreadful mother. The leader of all the evil that occurred. She started all of it. The rumours, the lies, the hatred, the slut-shaming, the judgement, the brainwashing, the gaslighting, the parental guilt on her children into taking her side, the manipulation for them to see her as the victim and me as the villain. It all began with her starting the vicious cycle. But I needed to take a break to clear my head. I did not think that all of this would be as exhausting as it is to get rid of these toxic people. Maybe there is some good left in me. Well, I said maybe. The fact that she was the one who believed that trying to ruin my life would make her seem interesting There are rooms allocated for people like her. Ill be happy to send her down there myself.

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