Chapter Seven

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All morning, I have been wondering what Alex has to tell us at dinner. So much so that I have not eaten anything until two oclock this afternoon. Our house staff had to bring me food to get me to eat because it was not on my mind at all. All I had for breakfast was a mimosa but it was a really good one. Is something wrong with Alex? Was he fired? Something is upbut we will find out soon. Being in my room all day, I had no idea what was going on downstairs whilst they were setting up the dining room. Once it was dinner time, I walked downstairs and it wasinteresting. Flowers, lights, candles, music, and very organised food arrangements. Is someone dead? Did Alex kill someone? (Alex): Everyone, lets have a seat (Mother): Son, what is the meaning behind this exquisite dinner? (Alice): Brother, be honest. Did you kill my ex-boyfriend? (Father): We would have to celebrate then! Your first kill (Alex): No. I did not kill anyone. I have someone here that I would like you to officially meet A tall, handsome young man walks in. Alex takes him arm in arm to his side of the table. Is this the boyfriend? He is pretty handsome. What is he Wait a second. Dont tell me they are getting married. (Alex): This is Vaughn. My fiancé. WE ARE ENGAGED! (Mother): Oh my! Couldnt have said it better, mother. But what the actual hell? Engaged? Like for real? Why? If you love each other then stay together, I guess. But why get so excited about getting it legally stuck? (Father): Congratulations son! Its not anything to do with driving into someone with a truck or beheading anyone but it is thrilling all the same! (Mother): Well done, my son. He is not bad to look at I honestly tried but I cant find any words to say. Am I happy for him? Am I jealous or worried? Do I think that this is the dumbest idea on the planet? Well, yes. It has been usual to the world that you develop this strange notion that you love someone so much that you lock them in the relationship legally. All so that they are not allowed to leave you until they are drowning in legal bills from lawyers fighting over your terms and conditions, and who gets to take the most shit from the other person. That just sounds like torture and not in the way I enjoy it at all. So, how do I congratulate my twin brother when him being happy is a good thing but my entire perception on the situation is the opposite? (Alex): His full name is Vaughn Milton and he is a Knight (Mother): Officially declared by the Queen herself? (Vaughn): Yes madame (Father): Your knight in shining armour as they say (Mother): No one says that, dear (Alice); HA! He called you madame That is hilarious! (Father): Dont mind our dear Alice. She is just in shock. We all are (Mother): When did you get engaged? Oh great. Here comes the cliché of the how we proposed or I got proposed to story that gets told to the entire social group and then repeated later as a caption to a cringey image uploaded on social media. Being of royal blood in such a modernised time can be overly exhausting sometimes. We are not supposed to post on social media but then again, homosexuality is not exactly something that excites the royals. Which is why we try not to deal with them as often. (Alex): We went out for a hike yesterday afternoon after work. There were flowers everywhere and the sun looked so perfect. The sky was more blue than I have ever seen in Hauntlyville. I turned my back to tell Vaughn about it when there he was, on one knee with a ring in his hand. Ready to pop the question and then I said yes! (Father): Glorious news! (Mother): Sounds lovely, dear (Alice): I agree That is all that could come out of my mouth? All I could say to my twin brother on one of the happiest nights of his life, when all he wants is a congratulations was I agree? Yikes. After a very awkward dinner with Alex and Vaughn telling more cringey stories, everyone heads to bed so I walk to my room. Alex meets me in my room and he looks upset. I feel really messed up. More than I usually do. If it were anyone else, I wouldnt have a care in the world. But this is my brother. This is different. (Alex): I am sorry (Alice): Wait what? (Alex): You have been hurt so much that when it comes to love, that you are too afraid to trust that it will last. Even when it comes to those closest to you. So, Im sorry if the dinner was too much That was unexpected but somehow expected at the same time. Alex has always been the good brother. This was nice of him to do but he didnt have to. (Alice): Brother, I might be too far gone to even believe in the L word again but that doesnt mean that I dont trust in your happiness lasting. Marriage itself as a concept is something that I dont think I will ever trust. But you? Always (Alex): Thank you, sister. That means the world to me We hug each other goodnight and it suddenly hits me. He is most definitely going to move out once he gets married. He is going to leave for good. I am going to be in this castle all alone. Well, mother and father, and over thirty house staff members will still be here but without Alex here I will be all on my own. How am I going to do this? If I have to live the rest of my life here alone then things are going to change so I might as well change them before they do. I do not want to deal with any surprises because that is not my forte. Before any panic, I remember that my project is going to continue, and it is as if the blood in my veins reheat themselves. Here we go. I need to get some rest and have some delightful nightmares before the new day starts. 

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