Chapter Twelve

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I woke up this morning feeling amazing. Life is good. The sky is grey as it is raining today. Lightning, thunder, and rainstorms have happy memories tied to it since my childhood. Alex is taking some time to heal but he has not left his bedroom all morning. We obviously had the house staff send him food every few hours, so we know that he is alive. But this good feeling keeps going and I walked to the basement floor level too excited but whatever. (Alice): Good morning, Anthony Miller! How are you feeling today? Dont care! We have case number seven over here in this adorably transparent room that is conveniently attached to pipes, that once I press this button, they will turn on and spit flames in all directions! Hi there, Tonys mother! She looks distraught but I cant shake the smile off my face. Its a shame really, that I could care less. But just for funs sake, I ask her. (Alice): Oh honey, whats wrong? Is it that I murdered your depressed first born or your ass-kissing husband? Or is it because there is not a lot of oxygen in your special little room, so you are suffocating as time moves along? Of course she is not able to answer me because she has to hold onto whatever oxygen is left in that small enclosed cage. But I just saw an opportunity to be more of an asshole than I needed to be and thought go for it. (Alice): Hey you! (Anthony): I think I preferred it when you ignored me (Alice): Poor Tony. After everything, it is so cute that you assume I even give an ounce of a fuck what you prefer (Anthony): What has you in such a joyful mood? I dance around as I explain because it isnt like his loving mother, Tamera Miller, needs this to be a quick and painless death. (Alice): My brother had his first kill yesterday and Im ecstatic! I almost thought that I felt badly for you but not at all! All is alive and well. With my family at least. Your so-called loving, manipulative, narcissistic, gaslighting, toxic, bullshit fake personality having mother has to pay the price (Anthony): She was just being protective (Alice): Sweetie, holding a childs had every time you cross the street even if it is not going into the street is being protective. Telling your son and their entire family that your girlfriend is a slut, that she is going to get pregnant and ruin your entire life, is going nowhere in the future, proceeds to sabotage every date and outing, even anniversaries when making plans with you? That is borderline psychotic. Perhaps even further than the borderline She looks at me in a way that if she could speak, she would most likely tell me that I dont have the guts to go through with it. Oh, Tamera. You never could understand how far I can go when people think they can play mind games with me. Too bad, you never could win with me darling. You might have snatched your son away from me but you will never be my burden. The only burdens were the ones you share blood with. But how dare she, right? I click the button and wave at her. *BURN* (Alice): Burn further in hell, bitch. Where you belong We watch her burn into ashes and I cant help but continue smiling. The rush through my veins as I cleansed the world of yet another demon in disguise. It feels perfect. It almost turns me on, that is how good the rush feels. Adrenaline. You might be mistress. (Anthony): You can just kill me already. You killed everyone else in front of me. Just do it and it will all be over I walk up to his cage and smirk at him. How pathetic. (Alice): When are you ever going to learn? You tried to play me like a game and honey, you lost. I dont take orders from you. I am going to kill you. But dragging this on for as long as I want to feels so good that I dont feel like changing the plan to give you peace when you request it. Now, if you will excuse me, the servants are going to flush your mother down the toilet He bangs on the cage, yelling at me to kill him. I would rather not take orders from a dead man. So, walking to the kitchen for lunch is a good way to distract myself. Mother and father join me for lunch. (Mother): Sweetheart, did is your brother still in his bedroom? Did something happen? (Alice): Something fascinating happened. He had his first kill (Father): Fantastic! Who with? (Alice): He caught that Vaughn chap having relations with someone else and in the fit of rage, he killed them both! (Mother): In that case, good riddance then (Father): But I have a serious question to ask you, darling (Alice): Yes, father? (Father): Did you help him? Cause that would make it an unfair situation (Alice): Not at all. I managed to get there once everything was already done (Father): Wonderful news and how is your project coming along? (Alice): I just have him left and then the project is finished and 100% successful (Mother): We should celebrate! Dinner tonight! We will make it all extra special (Alice): Sounds good to me. I will go to Alex to give him the good news I finish eating lunch and walk over to Alexs room. We talk about the dinner that we are having tonight and he is open to it. He is more saddened around the cheating part rather than the killing part which means I had it all wrong. I thought that he was upset because of killing Vaughn and that other man but as it turns out, he is just upset about the person he was interested in spending his life with having relations with someone else. I walk out of the room for a second because I have an incoming call that I needed to answer. But now as it turns out, I seem to have news of my own to share at dinner tonight as well. Hopefully there wont be anything to crazy to talk about at dinner tonight. Father might get too excited.

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