Chapter Fourteen

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(Alice): Case number one. Anthony Miller. An ex-boyfriend and ex-best friend. Watched his entire inner circle be killed in front of him as punishment for his toxicity and cruelty in the relationship over the years. Especially for allowing those people to try and destroy my life. Do you have anything left to say for yourself? He looks up at me with a deep sadness in his eyes. He did this to himself as far as I am concerned. He can cry until next year before I could begin to care. (Anthony): Im sorry (Alice): Am I hearing voices again or did you just apologize? (Anthony): I really am sorry for all the things that I did. Also for what my family did to you during the relationship. I was an awful boyfriend to you I have him tied to a chair and wonder if he was being sincere at all. But at this point, words are not enough to convince me. He could be trying to sweet-talk me into sparing his life and that is not going to happen, darling. I just take this moment to be somewhat vulnerable because at one point, this young man was my everything. My world began and ended with the likes of him. I wouldve killed for him at one point. I kiss him softly on the lips for one last time so I am the last touch he ever would have felt before venturing out of existence. (Alice): I love you, Anthony Miller (Anthony): I love you too *SHOCK* He was sitting in an electric chair and that shocked the life out of him. Literally. I stand and caress his cheek now that he is officially gone for good. (Alice): Its done. First I rid you of the chains that were holding you back in life. Then I freed you from the person you pretended to be. At least you will be able to be the real you in Heaven. Theres no toxicity there to drag you to the darkness again. I love you, Tony. Till death I walk out of the basement and hold my head up high. I told him a long time ago that I would love him until he takes his last breath, and I was not kidding. He had become a shell of himself and that shell needed to be destroyed to release the real person being held prisoner on the inside. The house staff has his body cremated and buried next to his grandparents. At least he will be happy with them. Suddenly all of the anger, hatred, regret and fury feels lighter. Dont get me wrong, theres still more than enough for my upcoming assassin career to keep me in impeccable business for a long time. There was a mini funeral service for Tony and I visited his graveside to make sure that everything was neat and in order. (Alice): Tony, for as long as I could recall, you were my person. Then things changed, you changed. The darkness closed in and I had no choice but to embrace it and become it before I could stop it from consuming you more. You are the last person that I will ever love, and yet the same reason that I hate love altogether.


It has been a few months since everything was finished and there has been such a huge relief. My new job has been keeping me very busy and it has been fun to use all of my new tools. The adrenaline has only been increasing with each contract and I have no idea how it continuously goes up. I have been relaxing in the luxury lounge with Dorian and Trisha. We have been talking about random things as we usually do but I missed them so much. (Alice): Im officially happy. Took a long time to get here but I am finally there There is no exact word to explain how I have been feeling these last few months. We havent had a lot of contact with Alex but we are certain that he is still alive. Scarlet Castle has not been the same without him here and it really has been a big adjustment. Dorian and Trisha are busy getting the snacks out that were brought to us. We are drinking champagne of course because when are we not? Trisha pours a glass for each of us except for herself. (Alice): Going cold turkey? Thats unlike you. Whats happening? There is a long silence and I am mentally praying that it is not what I think it is. She takes a deep breath and finally answers. (Trisha): Im pregnant (Dorian): We were in the limo together for like an hour and you didnt tell me? (Trisha): I wanted to tell both of you at the same time (Dorian): Congratulations future baby mama! A whole soon to be MILF! (Alice): Congrats on your future offspring, darling Why does this make me feel weird? The idea of raising a child especially on your own, freaks me out almost as much as the idea of getting married. Life is better off without me fooling myself by looking for someone, getting married, and having children. (Trisha): I have been so nervous to tell you guys. Alice, honey, I know this is a sensitive topic for you. So I brought you some chocolate cake and your favourite scented candles for a good bubble bath! (Dorian): Wait. She gets gifts? I hate love too! Gimme! (Alice): You didnt have to do that for me, love She gives me a hug. It was really sweet of her to think of me even though this is her big moment. (Trisha): I insist. You have been doing wonderfully for yourself and we all know how much you miss your brother. I just wanted to help cheer you up. You always said that he is a part of you and I never understood it. Then when this little nugget showed up, I finally had it. I would be lost without them too She gives me another hug and I fight off tears as best as possible because it is true. I really do miss Alex but my parents dont talk about him as often as I would like to.

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