Chapter Four

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Todays case subject will involve two people. Two people who seemed to think they could say whatever they wanted and karma would never get anywhere close to them. Idiots. I was feeling particularly petty for this one and decided to make it a slow and agonizing death for the both of them. Anthony wakes up and hanging on ropes next to his cage are his two best friends. (Anthony): Trent? William? Are you alright? Say something (Alice): They are fine for now. Slightly uncomfortable as I might have tied the ropes too tight or the duct tape is hurting the hairs on their chinny chin chins (Anthony): Why do you have to keep doing this? Do you want me to take you back? Is that it? (Alice): Oh hell no. You are lucky I dont cut out your tongue just for saying that! He gulps and chooses to stay silent rather than provoke me any further. Trent and William look very uncomfortable, and I cant help but smile in anticipation. They have all the audacity in the world or at least they had, today I am taking it all away from them with a smile on my face. (Alice): Case number three. I call it the sexist sons. Today we are here to get rid of two people who assumed that they could shit on somebody elses girlfriend just like they do their own. Trent, all self-involved and thinking he is such a big shot because he tends to attend Sunday service. Wrong, darling. You cant call yourself holy and treat people with the shit you do. Having your own girlfriend for so long and yet you talk about other girls all the time to Anthony. How attractive you find her and you encourage him to look too. And you, William. Shaming an ex for cheating on you multiple times only works if you havent cheated on them multiple times too. Yet you have somehow convinced your new girlfriend that you are a good guy. Both of you have put your stupid behaviour of abusing your liver and kidneys above healthy relationships. It is what influenced Tony to be an idiot as well. But I dont blame you entirely for that, he is easily impressionable I walk over to the tools and pull out the chainsaw. This is what I dreamt about last night. Being able to cut deep into the mind, body and soul of the ones whose actions and words cut into what was a happy relationship. Yet he still had the balls to say I want him back. *HUM* There it is. The machine hums to life and I see the fear in their eyes. Eat it up boys. This pain might last a few hours but the pain you both caused might last me a lifetime. I slash into their bodies as if they were pinatas and you can actually see the poor things are trying to scream. (Alice): Duct tape! Nothing gets through those babies! So you can scream all you want! Sounds like singing over here! The more and more I cut them, the more they spin. They really look a lot like pinatas. Margaritas anyone? With plenty of ice, or actually make it fully with crushed ice. I am getting away from myself. Being this happy makes me daydream. (Anthony): STOP! Alice, stop! You are killing them! (Alice): I think I know what I am doing, Anthony. Or should I ask your brother for assurance? Now shut up or you are next! He should know better than to provoke me after everything he has done. Of course, he will have his moment when he is next but there are things to be done beforehand. He just shouldnt push me. Once I have severed every inch of them, there is blood and flesh everywhere. Bones laying in different shapes after being sliced and I am covered in red. It should really bother me but it does not. Odd isnt it? I call the servants in to clean up whilst I am going to head to my bathroom to clean myself up with a good shower. Anthony looks at me and has the painful expression on his face. I take all of my clothing including my shoes off and hand it to the servants to be cleaned. That way there is not a lot of blood dripping all the way to my bedroom. Anthony looks confused and fearful as usual. (Alice): What? Its my mothers birthday tomorrow and I need to get cleaned up. Cant have blood in my hair during the festivities now can I? Have fun I walk out and on my way to my bedroom, it is time for a marvellously warm shower. Cleaning every ounce of blood and sweat out of me as I could. Perhaps some of my resentment could wash away too because it has become almost too much to bear. Once I have dressed and my hair has been efficiently styled, I relax on my bed with my books to read. Alex knocks and walks inside. He sits on my bed and has a humoured expression. (Alice): What is that look? (Alex): Sister, when are you going to stop walking around naked in the castle passageways? It makes the house staff rather perplexed on what to do (Alice): They can look all they want. Sometimes I have to rush off and whether there is clothing on my body, sometimes it does not matter to me (Alex): Well, maybe it should Sister, what if we have friends visiting and you are running around wearing nothing?" (Alice): Dinner and a show. Lucky them (Alex): Alice (Alice): Alright, brother. Calm yourself. I will compromise with underwear next time (Alex): At the very least. How is your latest project coming along? (Alice): Absolutely divine, brother. However, we have more important things that we have to focus on (Alex): I know. With mothers birthday party tomorrow evening I have been feeling out of sorts. There is so much to do in such little time (Alice): Well, it is not exactly our fault. Mother only decided that we were to have a party last minute so it was a matter of pulling things together as fast as possible That was the tough part of it all. Needing to put everything together in time for the party but when I say that it was tough, it was mainly tough on the house staff. Can you imagine if it were us actually working on our hands and knees to get this party ready? No way. We give all of our ideas to the staff and when they do what was asked, we either like what they have done or have different ideas. So in the short amount of time mother has given us, we have not nearly had enough time to critique and change our minds as often as we normally do. How do we know that everything will be perfect with so little time? I need a drink.

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