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I was on the Argo II :D 

I was Annabeth I think, but I was wearing a skirt for some reason. I think I walked out of a room onto the deck, and then I saw something. I don't remember what I saw :c 

After that I walked to the engine room and Leo was in there right by the doorway and he was like "NO! No, do NOT go into the closet!" and I just slowly backed away from the closet lol. 

Leo had some thingy with hamsters on it, (no idea where he got hamsters from, by the way) and he was sitting on the floor, he barely even looked up. He knew where I was going by the kind of my footsteps, I think? It was really interesting. And then Jason came down, and he said something, I think. I dunno what he said though ;-; 

But I grabbed a tiny rock off the floor and I tossed it into Leo's thingy with the hamsters and it hit this pole with a little circular platform on top. Lei GLARED at me, dude. He was PISSED. Then Jason took one of his hamsters and Leo glared at him too. 

Jason tried to feed it a piece of lettuce or something and some random person said "No, it has to be cooked." And my entire vision changed. 

Suddenly I was no longer Annabeth, I was looking at a zoomed in science of two hamsters messing around in one of the play thingies that people make for them. The "narrator" said "Only cooked food for the little hamsters," and then I woke up. 

So that was weird :D 

My dreams (Actually. Not, like, what I want to be, no. Actual dreams I had).Where stories live. Discover now