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TW for suggestiveness?? At the end?? Someone asked me to do something sexual so be careful of that if it triggers you <3

Okay so I went to get some food from the pantry at like idk some time late at night, because I was the only one awake. I remember turning on the kitchen light and it was so white?? It was so unnerving for it to be such a clean space.

Anyway I opened the pantry and I found some cookies in one of those cookie things that chips ahoy and oreos put their cookies in. With the three rows and everything. Well, they were chips ahoy cookies, so I guess it fits. They were in a white version of this tray thing, in a white bag, in a thingy of white paper. Its like that thing that packs of paper come in. Once again, very white. And there were two packs of cookies on top of each other, and they both looked like this.

So I tore one open and I was opening the cookie tray thing to grab a cookie and I realized that the outer layer of paper had my name on it. My dead name, I guess, because my mum wrote it. So my name was on the two packs of cookies and also two packs of paper, that were for some reason in the pantry.

I think one of my brothers had his name on something else, but I forgot it. Anyway, I looked behind me and to the left, and Chain was standing there. He looked like an npc I swear. Then I think the pantry turned into a portal and stole me, so that was kinda funny.

I was sitting in the lunchroom of like, some big, fancy hotel. I was sitting with a boy at my table, but I don't recognise him now that I'm awake.

Okay so I was ordering from the menu and stuff I think? I only ordered one thing from the menu and it was from a section called "stuff jshlatt eats at this hotel" so yeah. It was some kind of fruit mix, because you know me. I love fruit. The other stuff I ate was just?? Given to me??

So yeah. I ate something that was non fruit first, I think a sandwich. This was breakfast btw. And I think the guy at my table was paying for me, because I remember pleading for the fruit mix and I was thinking "I have money at home, I can play you back later, please?" But I don't remember if I actually said it, I just remember waiting a little bit and then a waiter brought me my fruit mix. I was delighted, but there were only grapes in my fruit mix :c.

I ate it anyway, because I love grapes, but I had a fuck ton of grapes. You know those bags at the store that have the branches with the grapes attached to them and the bag is resealable? I had one of those. I also had my fruit mix, which was in a tiny cup. And I had something else that was grapes but I don't remember much about it.

So after I ate my grapes (I assume I ate them, I blinked and was doing something else) I was talking to the employee over the counter and she was really nice and she was telling about her job putting people to sleep. I asked if I could help and she said "sure!" So I followed her down a hallway that was at the side of the room.

Like in the very corner of the room, there's a hallway that leads into the room, and then across from it on the other side of the room, the hallway continues. I went through that. I remember the hallway had like, crimson walls? It looked like it would feel like some kind of felt if you touched it. Not silk, maybe, but some other texture that has always hurt my brain to touch. I didn't touch the walls. Its like where you drag your fingers across it and the fur is just long enough to go the direction you run your hand through. And it feels soft but in a bad way.

Anyway, those were the walls in that hallway. I followed the lady and we ended up in a library where of course, there were people sleeping. I helped her with a different lady to put her to sleep, but I don't remember how I helped. After that, I went through the library to a different room where a different old lady told me a story of one of the other ladies at this hotel. She had been cursed or something. I dunno if she was cursed actually, but she was a cat.

So this woman told me that this cat was only ever seen in the library because she couldn't leave. But she was always standing on the floor, you know, like a normal entity affected by gravity. Then, some kind of deity or witch visited the cat, and cast a spell on her (or recast a spell that had been broken) and told the cat that she was to be on the floor during the day, on the walls during twilight and dusk, and on the ceiling during night, as she was meant to be all this time. So the cat now moved all over the room, because she had no other choice. If the cat ever got married, then her curse was broken.

So, one day, there is a man who finds the cat on top of a high shelf. He had to climb the shelf to get to her, and I know that because I was seeing from his vision at this point. He looked at the cat, as she sat down and deliberately ignored him. He leaned in a little bit, and she leaned forward all the way to some cushion that was in front of her. She pressed her mouth against it. From then on, the man courted the lady turned cat, until they got married and the woman's curse was broken. And now they reside at the hotel.

So that was a cool story, strange maybe-beastiality aside.

The old lady said something, and then I said something about how I was bored, and then she said something about how the employee I was with earlier might have something else for me to do by now. So I went to go find the employee, and she was still in the library.

Now she was with a guy who had not yet been put to sleep. He was sitting on a chair and there was a big jar in front of him. The jar was big (about waist high I suppose) and it had a small rim, so it kinda ballooned out before getting a bit smaller again for the rim. There were goldfish or something around the outside of the rim, too, surrounding it.

So the employee asked me to go into the jar so I was like okay. I put my legs through the opening, but it was only big enough for me to get in up to my thighs. It was like, 3/4 of my thighs in there. The employee put toothbrushes on the mans thighs(?) And then he said to me "now, if I asked you to sit on my dick, would you?" And I said "No. You're not worthy." I sat on the rim of the jar (somehow, idfk how) and turned so that I wasn't facing him. I heard him whisper "that makes her kinda cute, actually," which, rude.

Wrong pronouns, asshat. Also, he was wearing, like, sweatpants, so even if I did want to sit on his dick the only thing that would happen is it would be crushed. But my mum woke me up after that. Because school starts in less than a week, so. I need to "fix my sleep schedule".

I don't know if I was a guest or an employee at this hotel, and I don't remember where the guy who bought me breakfast went. Also, idk wtf is up with Jshlatt eating fruit mixes but ykw I won't ask 💀. The dream about the pantry was the first dream I had, but it was the second one that I remembered, so after I finished writing the hotel one that was when I went back and wrote the one about the pantry. So, sorry if they don't flow together or something. Because they were written in the wrong order lol.

Have a good day / night <33

My dreams (Actually. Not, like, what I want to be, no. Actual dreams I had).Where stories live. Discover now