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TW for suicide

Ok so I switched bodies with someone but everyone said I still looked liked me so I found Ghost and I was like "Hi Ghost" and I don't remember exactly what they said but it was something along the lines of "Who are you, you look like Everest," and I was like "I am Everest" and they were like "Ohhh," and they gave me something, my bracelets I think.

We were at my elementary school when this happened, you know the mini hallways with the stone floor with the door that lead outside? We were in one of those with like two classes, because Ghost wasn't in my class but we were all the same age as we are now.

And so I went outside and I was vibing under a tree, and I saw Mist and so I followed him and didn't announce my presence because I'm just amazing like that, and I followed him to like a shed thing?? Idk but we were at like the inside of a barn and there was a dirt floor and the building was made of wood and the barn was empty. Also it was really big.

Okay so Mist turns around and hes with Rain. So Mist and Rain turn around and Mist goes "Oh, okay. Go on Chase, time to tell her." And I'm just like "What?" Because what?? And Chase says something like "knock knock" and a tiktok filter appears above his head and he says something weird but the tiktok filter says r/gotthat and its red and I think the letters were white. And he tells me this story while the tiktok filter is floating above his head, ok?

He tells me about how he was at home and he was eating yogurt and then his yogurt broke up with him, so he starts crying and he squeezed the yogurt out into the trash (since it was in like one of those Yoplait yogurt container thingies, so you could squeeze it) and then he drops the yogurt container into the trash. He then proceeds to wreck his house, looking for random items and finding them to be useless (he's going "[Item]? No.." While he holds up the item and then throws it behind him) So finally he goes to the backyard shed, steps inside, gets a shotgun looking thing, and shoots himself in the head with it. And I saw everything, since, you know, it was a dream. 

And then my mum woke me up for school 

My dreams (Actually. Not, like, what I want to be, no. Actual dreams I had).Where stories live. Discover now