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I woke up from a dream in a dream. I woke up in the dream, from another dream, but I don't remember the dream in a dream I only remember the dream. 

I woke up and I looked at my window and it was open. I got up and I closed it and as I was closing it I saw this lady and she was asking me something in a language I didn't understand. At the time I thought it was chinese, but I have no idea. 

She had a basket in her hand. I looked next to her and there were 3 shadow boys, that slowly turned into porcelain with smiling faces. They started picking up rocks and throwing them at my window, so I tried to close it as quickly as I could but the lock on the window wouldn't work. Finally I just went to the other side of the window and turned the little thingy down so the window couldn't open at all. 

And for some reason in this dream, my window and the backyard sliding glass door were right next to eachother. There wasn't even a bit of wall in between them. So I started trying my best to close the glass door, and while I'm doing this the boys are still throwing rocks at my window the woman from before is now trying to crush rocks in a martyr and pedestal from her basket. I try all the locks on the backyard door and it just isn't working, so I run across the house to where the backyard is and there's people there. 

Also, I'm pretty sure this entire thing takes place at like, 11PM, cause it's very dark out. Anyway, I start struggling to go climb over the brick wall, and these people are converging on me, not letting me have any space. 

Finally I'm able to sit on the wall, and I see Mike from Stranger Things holding a gun. A pistol, I think. I yell at him "Fire it in the air!" and he did, so now all the people were focused on him. I dropped into the neighbour's yard, which looked the same as it did from a dream i had a very long time ago, before I started this book. I guess my brain likes consistency. 

Anyway, I dropped into the neighbour's backyard, and Will was there, and he was missing one of his legs. Like, that bitch was sliced CLEAN off. I have no idea where it was, I could just see Will sitting there with Mike's gun in his hand looking extremely sad at losing his leg. I

 started to say "Will, I'm so sorry-" But he gave me the gun and I ran for it again. Jumped over another few walls, and then I realised who I was running from. Dr. Brenner, also from Stranger Things. He had a bunch of people all over the place, and they found me in one of the neighbours' backyards. 

He said something like "Always here with this girl," and then started trying to grab me. I ran across the road into a cul de sac trying to get rid of them somehow, but it didn't work. 

Suddenly, I realised I was staring at a computer screen. Everything was on a website. I was in my room. The window was locked. I looked at the website, staring at it because it was showing what I had just been going through. As I scrolled up and down, I realised, "Oh. It's zoom." As I was scrolling, the website was zooming in and out in some way that made me feel like I was doing it myself.

And then I woke up. I have no idea why Dr Brenner from Stranger Things was trying to catch me, and I have no idea why Mike and Will tried to help. I actually vaguely remember Will showing up again after he gave me the gun, but I don't remember when it was so I can't fit it into the overall story or it wouldn't make sense. I guess it's a dream, so it never makes sense, but you know. When he showed up the second time, he had his leg back. That's all I remember. Yeah. Really weird dream I guess. 

My dreams (Actually. Not, like, what I want to be, no. Actual dreams I had).Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin