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Okay so this is really hard to remember, but I'm pretty sure I was outside some huge building, in a backyard of some kind. 

Some kid from school was being a fucking asshole hurting me and shit. I had my laptop with me, but I don't remember what I did with it. I was on one of those big water box things. 

He climbed up there too and tried to force me off or something, and somehow I got a stick. It had a lot of barbs all over it. I tried to use the stick to poke his eye out but it wouldn't budge. He didn't even blink. 

I saw some other girl walking past us with a rainbow pyramid floating along beside her, and the asshole from school went to go bother her instead. He took her rainbow pyramid and threw it over a brick wall. 

So of course, completely forgetting that I could just take my shit and leave, I went over to the brick wall and looked at the remains of her rainbow pyramid. It looked like it used to be made of foam or soap bubbles. 

I turned around and the guy was gone, I think. But then I realised it was night time and I looked up. Those bats from Stranger Things S4 were everywhere, and I tried to run inside but some of them got me. I was bitten twice. I ran inside and someone yelled at me to go to a medical bay before it got worse. 

I remember at some point around here telling them that the guy was being a dick and he's the reason I'm like this, but I don't know if they heard me. I looked around and there were a few medical bays, for some reason DSMP MCYTs were healers here?? I don't know man, but I decided to skip Wilburs and I went into Jack Manifolds. 

I dunno why I trusted Jack Manifold with my life, but you know, I kinda didn't have a choice. When I walked in he looked up from behind a desk thingy and he saw blood coming from the bite marks and he was like "Oh no," Eventually they got me treated, using some kind of spray. I have no idea. 

But, while they were doing that, I looked up and Wilbur came running in WITH HALF OF A FUCKING CORPSE. IT WAS THE TORSO AND ARMS AND FACE OF SOMEONE WHO DID NOT SURVIVE. I remember looking at it and going "Wow, I am so glad I can't smell that." And Wilbur gave me a weird look and was like "Yeah, me too." 

He threw it into a trash grinder thing oml it was so bad. It didn't even look human at that point, it looked like roast beef. I guess I was completely fine looking at it as long as I couldn't smell it. Also, for some reason, I kept calling the bats Compies. It's a completely different animal, I know, but I'm not sure why I subconsciously thought of them as Compies. Just letting you know, cause I'm gonna call them Compies for the rest of this. 

Okay, so once I was treated, they put me back in the main giant part of the building cause the Compies had somehow found a way in and now everyone had to fight them. I think I was given some kind of special mission or something cause I had to go explore some other wing of the place that was really dark to go retrieve something. I had a few other people with me, meant to protect me cause I didn't have any weapons.

I have to say, those people either did a great job or pussied out cause by the time I found the item I was looking for, there was no one left with me. I don't remember what the item was, like a diamond or something. 

Once I picked it up and started trying to quietly get out of there as fast as humanly possible, I could hear more Compies behind me. I started running, and I made it to the entrance of the wing. I could still see some people fighting in the big room, and then one of the Compies started circling me. 

It swirled around me, bit me once, and flew away to go terrorize the others. A few more Compies got to me before I finally realised what was going on and I ran to medical bay. I don't know which one I ran into cause I think by that point I had passed out :D I just know that I got the diamond so it was okay. 

I was taken care of in medbay, I think. And I'm pretty sure the asshole from the beginning never got punished. Such bullshit. So yeah. 

My dreams (Actually. Not, like, what I want to be, no. Actual dreams I had).Where stories live. Discover now