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I remember going through a whole normal day of school. Like, STEM, Science, Maths, blah blah blah until the end of the day.

I was with Night and a few other people, and they all had skateboards. I didn't, so Night gave me hers. I think Cloud was there. Also, for some reason, once we got out of school, the sun set really fast, so it was dark pretty quickly. 

We were all skating to the front of the school on the boards, and Night was walking with us. I was very good at skating in the dream, I felt really stable. It was great. 

But then we got to the front of the school, and by that time it was dark, so the lights were on. They were yellow lights. It was really surreal, the school looked dark. It was kinda pretty, actually. 

For some reason, I put Night's skateboard in my bag, and we all sat down and started talking. I don't remember what we were talking about, of course. Stupid. 

Anyway, this guy in a yellow car pulls up. By this time, most of the kids are at home, it's just me and Night and some other girl that I don't know. Me and Night walk up to the car and start talking to the guy in it. He never asked us to come inside the car or anything, he seemed nice. Another yellow car pulled up behind him, and I watched the other girl get inside it and it drove away. 

Me and Night kept talking to the guy, and apparently he was interested in my notes, so I took out my binder and started showing him the notes and stuff (Which were still there in the dream, I guess I hadn't burned them yet) And we like, sat down on the floor to look at my notes lol. 

Eventually Mom showed up, and the guy was like "These are some really cool notes, dude!" AT MY MOM LMFAO and she was like "Yeah, I know right?" and then the guy got in his car and left, and I realised I still hadn't given Night her skateboard so I fished it out of my backpack and gave it to her. She asked about how the skateboarding was and I replied that I was really good at it now. 

Then, I tried to get in the car but mom asked me "Do you have a seat of your own?" AND I REALISED I WAS IN A DREAM WHEN SHE SAID THAT BUT I WOKE UP T^T 

My dreams (Actually. Not, like, what I want to be, no. Actual dreams I had).Where stories live. Discover now