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I had like five kittens, I don't remember what they were named but I had them inside like a backpack or smth.  And I was in a level of the back rooms and I had like my big squishmallow the whale one and it got wet and someone else had my backpack and my squishmallow fell in the pool we were in a dimly lit room with a pool, or I guess it wasn't dimly lit the light was just brown so it kinda felt dimly lit but I could see everything. I was on the opposite end of the pool from a long hallway and that was where the person who had my backpack was. So yeah my squishmallow fell in the pool and floated away so I jumped in after it and grabbed it and swam as fast as I could across the pool with my whale squishmallow and the guy I was with came out wearing my bag and started yelling at me since I was in the pool but I reach the other side and climbed out and I was soaking wet but I was fine and so was my squishmallkw. So he turns so that I can put it in the pack (idk why it was put of the pack or why we even brought it but yk its a dream so whatever) and this pack for some reason opens on the bottom? So I open the pack from the bottom and I look up into it and there's like. Three of the kittens that I own. I'm like "oh shit the cats are in here" and the guys just like "bruh of course they are just put the stupid whale in and we can go look for the other two" and I'm like okay so I shove the whale into the bottom of the pack and its like a big squishmallow so it just kinda wedges in there and then I close the pack so that it won't fall out and I think the kittens start using it to sleep on or smth because before I think they were just kinda clinging to the walls of the pack with their claws. Anyway I know I had a favorite cat I think it was a tortie or something? I remember what it looked like and I had a name for it but now I don't remember the name. It was like Churro or Tostito or something. So yeah that happens and then me and the guy go down the long hallway where he came from and I find my black kitten and the pack also opens from the top so we put the kitten with the others and then we find Churro (I'm just gonna call the tortie Churro cause I think that's cuter than tostito) we find Churro loafing on the floor right in front of a very menacing door at the end of the hall but I'm just like "oh my god churro" and I pick up Churro and I hold him and then I look at the guy I'm with and you can just tell he's so fucking sick of me lmao. You can also tell that Churro my favorite. But anyway I'm holding Churro and I look at the door and that's all I remember. I didn't even remember that I had a dream until I saw a tiktok of a cat and I was like oh wait there were cats in my dream last night so I wrote down what I remembered.

My dreams (Actually. Not, like, what I want to be, no. Actual dreams I had).Where stories live. Discover now