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Dreams dude am I right. So okay I was eating these vanilla bean things. Idk what they tasted like but they were white beans and I guess they tasted well enough cause I just kept eating them. I was sat on my bed at the side of my desk munching on those shits. I don't remember how the rest of that part of the dream went but I remember the vanilla beans. 

So then I was in my biology class and I went out to the hallway (the entire school looked different btw the lighting was dim and orange so it felt warm but it was also kinda dark and the biology classroom wasn't set up the same way like the tables were different. They were placed they way they were in my eighth grade English class, with the tables along the walls) so yeah I went to the hallway and I hear a high pitched meow and I look down and at the top of the stairs there's just a kitten laying on the floor. 

So naturally my first instinct is to pick it up and coo at it. Its a gray kitten, and I think it had some white on it but im not sure. It might've been Storm (my cat) as a baby tbh but once again not sure. So I held him against my chest and brought him back to the biology classroom and showed him to my friend Skittles (who is not in my biology class irl) and my friend Lin (who is not even in my school irl) and I was like "look I found a kitten isn't he adorable :D" and Skittles was like "oh... Yeeahhh." In that slow way that Skittles talks yk. 

Lin was like "OH MY GOD I WANT IT LEMME ASK MY PARENTS" and she JUMPED OVER THE TABLE and ran past me to do idek what to go ask her parents if she can have the kitten. But yeah I think I showed the kitten to miss RNA and then idk what happened next the dream kinda fizzles out into nothing. 

I remember another scene where I found a different gray kitten and I was holding in to my chest as I walked through the rain, but I don't think it's attached to any other part of the dreams. My subconscious loves providing me with kittens to get attached to, I guess.

My dreams (Actually. Not, like, what I want to be, no. Actual dreams I had).Where stories live. Discover now