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Okay so this is kind of a long dream. And I've had dreams that I remembered but I just haven't written them down and then I forgot them, so now I feel bad that I didn't write them down but ykw I'm writing down this one.

So it was weird, as dreams tend to be. There was this kind of device thing that people used to get around, or maybe I just used it to get around, but my bf had one too. So I got separated from him and I was in some weird ass area, it was like a lake, sort of? More like a pond but there was this wall made of rock separating me from the pond and my device thingy was floating over the pond. This thing kinda looked like an electrical socket, it was shaped like a rectangle and had two spinning portal thingies. They were a frosty blue, they were actually kinda pretty but I was panicking and I guess in this setting I was used to them.

So I jump on top of the rock wall and basically dive through the bottom portal but it just sends me right back behind the rock wall so I'm like FUCK. so I pull out my phone or whatever device I used to call the equivalent of either the authorities or tech support, because my portal thingy was supposed to take me somewhere else and it didnt. I tell the people that my device is malfunctioning and "they messed with it" (no idea what that means lmao) and they fixed it from however far away they were and they were like okay it should be good now I was like yo thats awesome thanks man and then I hung up or they hung up on me idk but the call ended.

So I jumped through the bottom portal thingy again and this time it works and I go to like some kind of mountain range? I'm standing on a wide cliff and there's a bunch of other mountains around me. Everything was a dusty red, but it was like a dusty orange thats heavily tinted with dusty red. It wasn't fully dusty red, it was pretty orange. And this was the color of everything. And it was pretty dusty.

So me and this girl, I don't know what her name was but she was wearing a dress. She was my cousins dads friends daughter. so my cousin has a dad who has a friend, and she was that friends kid. And her dad was driving way below us on a dusty trail in a van that had my cousins dad in it, and my two younger brothers. At this point, I'm still standing on the cliff, and I haven't actually met this girl yet. I'm watching her father drive the van that has Blondie and Grapefruit in it. (those are the fake names I chose for my brothers stfu)

So I'm standing there and I watch as the van crashes and I'm like oh shit they're absolutely dead. Blondie and Grapefruit are GONE. So my socket device thing appears or whatever and I go through one of the portals and its like I went back in time or something? Because I'm on the cliff watching the van drive again but this time the girl is with me. She starts talking to me and takes me to this path thats been carved out of the mountain. She's talking about random stuff and as we're going up following this path, she starts talking about how she's really difficult to kill. And I'm kinda hearing her talk and watching her dads van, and I see the van crash again and she kind of turns to me with an evil smile and I just the make the realization that "oh, these people are trying to kill off my family to end my family line," so I kick her off the cliff.

I can't say it really does anything, because she just falls for a little bit and then teleports back in front of me and she's pissed. She starts trying to yell at me or something and I just kick her off the cliff again. She teleports back in front of me and this happens a few more times until she finally is just like "STOP! I've had ENOUGH OF YOU!" She's yelling at me and this girl is like smaller than I am so its kinda funny to see her throwing a fit that I keep failing to kill her. And then she's like "YOU'RE GONNA DIE TODAY!" and I don't have whatever voodoo magic she has to evade death so I'm like "well shit".

So I guess she summons my bf for me (huzzah I finally found him) maybe so I could say goodbye idk 💀 this whole thing was very dramatic. Actually no it wasn't we were just on a dusty trail in the side of mountain with a very angry twelve year old. So I go hug him and I'm like " I'm gonna die today" and he's like "...what." so I'm like oh yeah he has no context to any of this. So anyway for some reason I turn around and kick the girl off the cliff again 💀 she just appears a second later, fuming, and says "you get sixteen more visits." I have to say this kid is not going to be a good parent if she's limiting quality time with your s/o 💀 so I'm like bruh I thought I was gonna die today wtf and my bfs just like wtf is going on 😭

and there's like some later parts that I remember but I think that was a different dream? Cause I was seeing stuff unfold in the third person and I was laying on a stone bench in a cell overgrown with plants and there were people there but I don't remember much of it.

Anyway so yeah I woke up. Sorry I haven't been writing my dreams down lately I just didn't feel like it. Have a good day :D 

My dreams (Actually. Not, like, what I want to be, no. Actual dreams I had).Where stories live. Discover now