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I was with the my little pony people. I dunno why, I don't know how, I just with them and some mute little girl. The mlp were just the main six in pretty sure, we were supposed to be having a sleepover but I felt like I was twilight for some reason idk.

Okay so we were in my old house that I grew up in, in the living room, and we were running around and I focused really hard on making a portal for reality shifting that was like behind the kitchen table sort of, but it was kind of low to the ground and it was horizontal instead of vertical.

Okay so the other people were ahead of me and a portal of very vibrant, swirling colors did actually open behind the table. So the others jumped into it but it closed before I got to it and I screamed "NOOOOO!" I know that there were a few of them that fell in there but I only saw like rainbow dash pov and I think it was apple jack pov?

Okay so apple jack was in some kind of really dark room but it had all of these windows sort of lined up in vertical rows on the walls. Those windows were her different lives, or her in different universes basically. And the way she was facing there were windows lined up in front of her but none behind her or on her sides, so the rest of the room but just pitch black. And the windows go all the way from the ceiling to the floor and she can kind of hear them.

Okay so she's in this room, and now she's in her pony form, and she is continuously floating upward. So she only has like 30 seconds to look at all of those sets of windows and sort of listen to what they were saying before she floated up through the ceiling. Its like she was being shown and asked what universe she wanted to become aware of? So yeah.

Anyway she floated through the ceiling up into another room with more windows and more universes, since there's an infinite amount of universes so it was trying to show them all to her but of course its not going to be able to do that because there's just too many.

But she's looking at these windows kind of debating which ones she wants to go through, and thats all I remember before the dream cuts to rainbow dash.

Shes on a hill with the pretty blue sky up above her, but there's a chain on her back left.. Foot? Hoof? Idk. Anyway yeah she's chained. She says something about how she was in this town earlier and they thought she was attacking them so they attacked her or something? I dunno if it was that or if she attacked them for food or something and failed but she said something like that. And then she was like "I was more of an out of town hillbilly than an actual attacker, hah." and she says a few more things and then tries to fly away, but the chain she's attached to yanks her back. she wearily glances at it and then looks at the camera and says "and i dont think this world wants me to leave." and then it cuts back to me and the rest of the people still playing the sleepover.

I'm wondering what to do if our parents find out that a few of us are missing, do I just wake up in the morning and claim I don't know where they went? They fell through a portal of swirly colors into different realities before I could follow them through.

So as I'm debating this, the mute little girl I'm with keeps trying to do that run around the table we did the first time the portal opened, like she's trying to open it again so she can follow through and find her sister. (It was one of her sisters that fell through the portal, and multiple people did fall in, I just only got the perspective of the I think apple jack and rainbow dash. Ik it was rainbow dash because I was looking at her as she told me stuff; the dream was kind of formatted like an mlp episode).

Anyway she kept on trying to do it and I was basically like "fuck it, why not. I'll try again because I really do wanna go through the portal and shift." So I ran one last lap with her and the portal actually fucking opened again and I jumped inside right after her before it closed.

Guys I was so fucking happy but it was kind of disorienting in there. It was kind of like 2D. There was a plane of the swirly rainbow colors underneath me and one above me, but there were none on the sides so the rest of the world was just darkness. And I say its a plane because it is. Its like a flat rectangle with color, vaguely positioned underneath me. I could see the edges of it because like I said, the rest of the world was pure darkness so the bright colors and the darkness contrasted a lot. Anyway I jumped through the portal and there was a lack of gravity but I still had the momentum from when I jumped in so I kind of flipped a little bit and then I sort of swam / floated up through the rainbow plane above my head. I watched the girl go through first so I kinda just followed her but she wasn't there when I went through so I was like okay, I'm alone now.

I'm in that same kind of window room weird set up that apple jack was in, so I direct myself closer to the windows (I don't know how I had control of my movement, I don't think apple jack did) and I listen more closely, then I float through the ceiling, I listen more closely, and I go through the window to the reality that I thought sounded most favorable. Of course by that point the dream has cut back to rainbow dash.

The last thing I see is her complaining about 'how am I supposed to carry a (some piece of food I forgot sorry) with five pounds of food!?" And its kind of muffled because she has a box in her mouth, I'm guessing thats the five pounds of food. She also is kind of carrying something in her hooves(?), but I can't see what it is.

Her chain holding her down is broken. She flies off over the hill she was on earlier, and as she's slowly flying away, I wake up.

So anyway that was one of the weirdest dreams I've ever had. I'm pretty sure this is my sign to start shifting again, I was kind of taking a break. Idk if I mini shifted or what but that was exhilarating, especially the swirly rainbow colors.

Also, somewhere in there I saw a bunch of clips of rainbow trying to undo or break the chain and failing. Like she was hitting it with stuff and she was apparently able to get it off her, but it had to be touching some part of her body. Like she could get it off her hoof(?) By holding it with her.. Other hoof(?), but then she couldn't let go of it because it wouldn't let her. It had to be touching some part of her body. She tried putting it in her mouth and flying as hard as she could, and I actually felt some tooth pain watching her do that. She also tried to hit it with stuff; nothing worked. I have no idea how she broke it before the last scene.

And I feel like there was some small shadowy creature helping her? Like it was the creature who brought her the stuff to try and break the chain, and the creature was walking beside her as she was flying away. So they left together. I don't know if it was some darker version of spike but he was really nice to rainbow; nice enough for her to want him to come back to her normal reality with her. I kind of got some bad vibes from him but he didn't really do anything mean so I'll just kind of ignore those.

But yeah thats all I remember. Crazy dream. I'm pretty sure I mini shifted because I was feeling physical things for the half second that my dream showed me my reality that I picked. So thats cool.

I feel the need to mention that now that school has started, this book will be updated less frequently. thats because if I have a dream on a school night, then I won't have time to write it down when I wake up because i have to get ready for school. Its Sunday today so thats how I was able to write this down. But yeah my school starts at seven am so I have to be there by 6:30 and I'm not waking up at five am just to have enough time to write down my dreams; after only seven hours of sleep, I wouldn't have had very many dreams anyway. So yeah, sorry about that to anyone who's actually taking the time to read this book. Thank you for reading this book by the way, I like sharing my dreams with people c: 

My dreams (Actually. Not, like, what I want to be, no. Actual dreams I had).Where stories live. Discover now