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 10:36AM (this one has a time stamp too wtf??)

Okay so yes my dream. I think the theme waa that I had a really shitty 15th birthday. I dunno why, but yeah. 

Okay so for some reason the first thing I remember if eating out the person who's my gf in this dream. On a sidewalk. So very public. Why? I have no fucking idea. But for some reason Chain shows up and so we stop. 

I go home with Chain and my mum is working on a cake. Its a very odd looking cake; it looks like the shape was just a scribble and she filled it in with cake and then covered the whole thing in white frosting and sprinkles. But I feel like it was meant to be a bunny or something. It was only one tier. This shit is so hard to remember 😭 okay. S

o me and Chain get home and I see the cake and my mum starts talking, blah blah blah, shit happens that I don't remember ( i think my dad comes in and starts talking about how my gf has a disease that you can get just by sleeping in the same room with her and Chain reveals that i was eating her out earlier so they all yelled at me for being stupid and getting a disease but cmon if she was that contagious why was she not quarantined tf? anyway im pretty sure I storm off and yelled that I don't want the cake anymore so yah ) and I get mad and go to my brothers room to calm down. 

Why my brothers room? I don't know. I feel like I wasn't allowed to go into mine or there was something in there or something like that idk. But I go to my brothers room and sit down on Chains bed to stew in my anger and a giant fucking bug comes and lands on my thigh. Its huge and striped black and yellow but its not a bee, more of a wasp. A real fucking asshole of a wasp because when he lands on me I freeze, since I don't wanna bother him, and this motherfucker climbs onto my hand and bites my fucking finger. My right pointer finger, right by the base of my nail. 

So i, reasonably, freak the fuck out and throw this wasp around. It starts to buzz angrily at me but I smack it with my hand into the bed and it dies so I go to tell my mum about this little shit. I left the corpse in the bed, sorry dream Chain. anyway so I tell my mum about this and she takes me to her bathroom to give me First Aid. 

So im standing at the sink looking into their giant ass mirror and looking down at my finger and wow that wasp really got a hit in. My finger has a fucking hole in it; A pretty deep one too. My mum grabs some shiny yellow liquid ( I have no idea what it is. Maybe honey, maybe piss, maybe the nectar of the fucking gods, I don't know ) But she pours it into the hole in my finger over the sink and so I then pour it out and like. A lot of liquid comes out of the hole in my finger, so if you were there, you could've been able to tell that it was a pretty deep hole. So yeah. I don't think I got a bandaid, but I got the healing yellow bogus so eh whatever. There was still a giant hole in my finger but it wasn't bleeding so no bandaid. 

Anyway so I go back to the dining table where my cake is supposed to be and its not there. Everyone's busy eating their portion of it but there's none left for me. So im like wtf where's my birthday cake?? Where's my slice?? And they just. They fucking ate it. They ate it all. They ate MY birthday cake on MY birthday and I didn't get a single fucking bite. Naturally im really fucking sad and angry and their so full of themselves because its my brothers so of course they are. They don't give a shit that they ate my cake. 

I think what ends up happening is that I get so angry I wake myself up 💀 so yeah. I do know I started yelling about how shit the day was; I got a disease, was mutilated by a fucking wasp, didn't get my cake, I don't think I even got any presents either. but yeah. If that's actually how my 15th birthday goes I think I'll kms.

My dreams (Actually. Not, like, what I want to be, no. Actual dreams I had).Where stories live. Discover now