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I was going to pick Marker up from school but something weird happened and me and Chain (oh yeah he was with me lol) ended up in Ms. Triggers classroom alone with the keys (idk how we got the keys, someone gave them to us when we were outside her door).

We messed around in there for a bit, then we headed out some door to the outside by the playground where all the fifth graders get picked up (that is not there in the actual elementary school) and we waited for Marker to come out. Chain still had the keys.

Well I guess we forgot Marker because we left without him I think?? Until we were somewhere in the middle of the city at dusk and the sun was setting and the buildings were all city buildings and shit instead of the neighborhood houses that are there irl and I was like "fuck. Shit. Fuck. We forgot Marker."

So Chain gives me Ms. Triggers keys for some reason, and I run back to the school. Marker's just standing there vibing. Honestly he's fine he's just standing next to Ms. Trigger. So I grab him and we leave and then we get back to somewhere (wherever me and Chain were before, but idk where tf that was) and Chain is gone and the sun is starting to set, so its really dark and I can't see.

So I found a ladder to an open window and I leave Marker by the ladder and I climbed through this persons window and I go through their apartment, and I pass like six sleeping kids until I find their mom and I ask her if I can have a flashlight and she's like okay sure. She's completely unfazed to see me in her house lmao.

She gives me a flashlight and I find a note with something on it but I don't remember what it was :c. So I thank her and climb back out the window down to Marker and he's further away than I thought he was, sitting on the ground hugging his shins (he's like across the street) and its fully dark at this point so I point the flashlight at him to find him and he starts to stand up.

The flashlight also illuminates, I think two other kids? One was standing behind another ladder and I don't know where the second one was but I sensed that they were there or something.

So I'm waiting for Marker to get to me when suddenly the scenery changes; we're in a giant white room (literally giant, the roof was acting as the fuckin sky) and there's a bunch of these super tall shelves that don't have anything on them.

Like seriously, these shelves were everywhere. They were around the room separating it into different squares and stuff? They would form like a |_| thing and you could hide between them and they did that all over the place. It was walls of shelves, and a bunch of them lined the actual walls of the white room. They were extremely tall, but not tall enough to reach the ceiling. They were maybe 25ft high? It was pretty cool.

They were white shelves that were kinda wide, and they were more wide than they were tall, like rectangles. But I was still able to get my body through them. So, some other light comes on, (idk what happens to my flashlight I think its just in my hand or smth maybe I dropped it idk) and the kid that was hiding underneath the ladder (does that mean he technically walked under it and has seven years of bad luck?) Says something about going through the "cubicles" (the shelves) and avoiding the shadows.

So everyone starts jumping through shelves (idk where Marker went lol) and sure enough, the light is only illuminating some shelves, so everybody avoids the ones with shadow. By everybody, I mean, like, four people including me? There were two girls and one guy and then there was me.

One of the girls kinda reminded me of celina spooky bear I think that's her handle? I don't watch her videos (I watched Sam and Colby and she was in their videos) so that's how she was there I guess. I don't think it was actually her it just reminded me of her. The other girl, idk. Possibly KallmeKris but I wouldn't bet on it. none of them looked like KallmeKris or Celina but they just heavily reminded me of them. The boy was the kid from under the ladder, I think.

Anyway, we're all jumping around going through the cubicles and then suddenly we all stop because something is happening. There's some kind of crowd of people and there's this one guy doing something; this is hard to explain because my memory gets foggy here.

The guy is saying something that I don't agree with, I don't remember what it was but I just knew I didn't agree with it. He's sitting on some kind of giant treasure chest made of wood. I think people in the crowd are being told to go inside it? Me and the other four people are just kinda watching this happen like "wtf" until something happens and the guys box falls over and something is knocked out of it. I think it was green, but my instinct says it was brown. I'm also getting the sense that there was something frog like about it. My brain is just like "there was a frog in this dream." Maybe there was a frog on top of the chest with the guy? That sounds right.

Not-celina goes inside the chest which is now tilted sideways to see what's in there and I follow her and the guy who was on the chest is whining somewhere, I didn't really care enough to pay attention to him.

So we go inside and the thing knocked out is brown on the inside of the chest but green on the outside so that's weird. there's this little space that only one of us can fit into, so Celina goes first and she says something but I can't remember it. Something about people being trapped back there??

Yeah so she gets out of the chest entirely and I go to the space to go see and there are people like trapped to the chest by this goopy stuff. I didn't touch it cause it was too far away, but it looked pretty weird. Then I went back outside the chest where the guy was groaning and I kicked him because why the hell not. And then I think my mum woke me up.

I remember other parts of the dream, like when me and the other three people were hiding behind some of the cubicles talking. I guess the guy on the chest was trying to catch us or something. I think that scene happened between us first seeing him and the chest falling over. We were the reason the chest fell over, but I don't remember how.

Another thing I remember is that I spent a lot of time in that lady's house. The lady I got the flashlight from, I spent a while in her house. I think I was just exploring? Also I'm if it was a house or an apartment because it was in a building like an apartment building but it was formatted like a house, it had an upstairs and everything. I think was just exploring, looking at her books and stuff? Her house felt mysterious and I'm not sure why.

So yeah. It was some pretty ducking cool scenery. I remember it looked really awesome, with the light and shadows and stuff. I liked it. 10/10 would dream again.

This dream probably feels more foggy than the others I've written down because it took me a few minutes to even remember that I had a dream, and by that time I had already forgotten a lot, like what the people said to me word for word and what the paper in the woman's house said. I don't think it actually said anything, it may have been a drawing? It felt important but idk. I can't remember it. Maybe a wonky smiley face? There was that and something else but I can't freaking remember.

I remember another thing is that I forgot something in Ms. Triggers classroom. I don't remember what it was, but that was why Chain gave me the keys to it when I went to get Marker. Also, Marker was standing where the fifth graders get out, but he was a kindergartener, like he is now. And Ms. Trigger is a second grade teacher, so I don't know why she had him.

Anyway, yeah. I liked it. Very cool. Very interesting.

My dreams (Actually. Not, like, what I want to be, no. Actual dreams I had).Where stories live. Discover now