M!Eyes x M!Jack (Fluff)

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Idly exploring the hotel, Eyes came across a room filled with wardrobes. Nothing else was spotted in the room but basic oak wood wardrobes, standing tall and casting shadows everywhere.

Wardrobes, and nothing but.

He had a very valid though; why were so many wardrobes in one room? What use did the room have other than storing storage units for clothing?

A chuckle came from within one, and Eyes flinched. There was movement, and the wardrobe rattled as a despicable laugh was emitted.

"Oh, those humans are funny little things, aren't they, Hide?" Someone from within said.

Hide mumbled in agreement, the only familiar sound Eyes heard. Whoever this other person was, they went absent in meetings and unspoken in the daily gossip.

Knocking on the wardrobe containing the mysterious entity, Eyes stared directly through the crack; a monochrome humanoid was talking to Hide, someone who wasn't known for being social.

"Hide? Who are you talking to?" Eyes called, rapping on the doors until he received an answer.

Hide, startled by Eyes' sudden appearance, was on the verge of a panic attack; he wasn't exactly the most friendly with Eyes and, though there wasn't any beef, he doubted they got along,"N-Nobody! Go away! Get out!"

"Rude. I see someone else in there." Eyes stated, poking a finger through the cracks in the wardrobe,"Who's that?"

"You heard Hide, please just leave." The entity said, shooing him.

Offended, Eyes squawked,"Don't just tell me to go! I've never seen you before, so of course I'm interested!"

Shoving open the wardrobe doors, the figure exited, appearing in front of Eyes. He wore a very nice suit; his appearance was impeccable and Eyes felt the urge to bow out of respect.

"W-Who are you?!" Eyes gasped, his eyes all locking onto him as he arose.

"The name's Jack, and I'd appreciate if you could leave Hide be. He's having a rough day and he wants to be left alone." Jack smiled, a trace sarcasm on his mouth.

Wordless, Eyes could only stay frozen into position as he tried to say something,"I-I didn't mean to bother you two. I was just curious; I've never seen you before."

His anxious body language spoke loud enough, and Jack got the memo,"You're intimidated, aren't you? You fear I'm some sociopath like Seek, don't you?"

Hesitantly, Eyes bowed his head in a nod,"Yeah.."

Jack really wanted to laugh mockingly at him, but he didn't,"I'm no villain; I just want to look after my acquaintance when he's down."

"Sounds quite kind of you to do so.." Eyes muttered, his hands fondling each other,"I misjudged you, sorry."

"We're entities; we're meant to be blood-lusting, insatiably craving demons who rip into flesh and bones. I don't do that, I just pop up and scare the humans." Jack explained, his purpose getting an interested expression from Eyes,"I have a convo with them if they're talkative. They can be quite decent at times, I'll let you know."

"Humans? Decent?" Eyes echoed, displaying how much the thought entertained him,"I don't know what humans you're talking to, but they're all so rude."

"Ah, I see. You're the entity who hurts humans though eye contact, aren't you?" He seemed satisfied with the revelation,"Eyes, I believe you're called. Well, it's a pleasure to meet you."

His pale white hand was offered forwards to shake and, when it enveloped Eyes's hand in a firm grip, he made Eyes smile at the interaction.

"I wouldn't listen to what those humans have to say; they're just threatened by your abilities. Trust me, they would be so much friendlier if you didn't damage them. But, that's not your fault and we both know it." Jack's soft tone and reassuring beam was just the humanity Eyes missed,"In time, you'll find a human who'll bring you back your hope in their race."

"Why are you so trusting? You really seem to think humans aren't as bad as they are." Eyes grumbled, folding their arms and trying to show no appreciation for his compliment.

Jack's monochrome eyes were fixed onto him,"I don't have the job of killing humans. I jumpscare them for the fun of it. Some swear at me, some laugh at themselves for being scared then talk to me, some think I'll kill them and run off. It's a matter of who's entering. And, some of those can be really talkative, polite or even hilarious."

Jack grins, his mouth curving upwards as he reminisced the good memories he held of the nicer kinds of humans, the ones who asked him how his day went, inquired about his wellbeing or cracked a joke or two.

Envious, Eyes scowled,"Nobody will be like that with me because I kill people if they look at me. I don't like people staring."

"Just because you're not respected by humans doesn't mean you're not respected by the entities. I know I hold you to high praise. You're an idol to several entities here, entities who have incredible abilities of their own. "

Eyes was so awfully nervous,"Why are you being so nice to me?"

"We're one in the same; we're born and raised to be murderers." Jack empathised, patting him on the shoulder,"Accept it. We can't change what's in our blood."

Grinning broadly, Eyes appreciated Jack's sincerity and kindness,"Thanks. Also, sorry for interrupting you and Hide. Tell him I'm sorry as well, and that I hope his day gets better."

"He'll be thankful to hear that. It's been a bit tough recently for him, with Seek being so distant and everything. It'll be sorted out eventually, but I'm just sticking by him in the meantime." Jack told him, retracting the hand from Eyes' shoulder.

Considerately, Jack pet Eyes' head. He would've found it patronising if Jack hadn't replaced his hand on his shoulder.

"Well, consider us friends. If you need me, just ask Hide and he'll get me right to you." Jack grinned, getting off of Eyes,"I'll be in the wardrobe if you need me. Glad I can make your acquaintance."

Stepping into the closet, Jack's form was concealed by darkness. Eyes was calmed by the fact he'd found a new friend.

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