M!Figure x M!Blind!Reader (Fluff)

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Serving as a part of the hotel wasn't necessarily a simple job for (Y/n). Helping to service the complex while having no sight at all was never easy. Thankfully, his co-workers, despite being entities, were very helpful to him.

It wasn't impossible, though.

Alike to animals, (Y/n) would utilise his voice to echolocate people and items. He was able to hear the way the sound would echo, able to dictate how large or empty a room was. He'd also feel around,  pressing a hand to the wall and following it through until he was where he needed to be.

Over the year he had been there, he had built up a mental envisionment of the hotel, having an understanding of the layout up to room 49.

He was always curious about room 49; it had a huge desk, several bookcases and a raised platform. Once, he'd tripped up the stairs and fell to the ground, flustered by his mistake.


Assumably, it was a lovely, summery day; (Y/n) could feel the heat of the sun fall through the slick glass panes. As per the norm, his hand stuck to the wall, his fingers flitting about as he explored room 49 for a third time.

His hand encountered the familiar banister rail that led up the stairs and to the desk.

He froze as his heightened hearing caught the distant sound of unfamiliar footsteps. Each entity he had met so far had a distinguishable sound that he could use to acknowledge their identities; Seek had a distinctive squelching sound, Eyes made a babbling whisper, Screech typically let out frequent hums and whispers, Rush let out a garbled and electrical scream, Ambush was known by him for the whirring, Dupe was identifiable for his low growls, Timothy hissed, Hide's heartbeat was very unique to him, Glitch's distorted particles gave away his presence with a familiar noise, Halt would make a specific flashing sound and Guiding Light's twinkle could never be ignored.

However, this heavy-weighted footstep was nothing comparable to any of these entities; most of them didn't have mass to them, with Seek, Screech, Timothy and Glitch were exceptions to that rule. In fact, quite a lot of entities were not even tangible, nothing but an icy mist or a glowing aura.

This new entity was an anomaly, as it seemed to possess both a tangible body and some kind of mass. It was nothing human, as the absence of its presence was a clear indicator of that, and it was something to be explored.

Feeling his way towards the source, his hands fall on the brass handles of the following door. The warm metal was an alien feeling to (Y/n), as most entities didn't use door handles or knobs, instead forcing the doors open, or teleporting past them regardless.

With utmost caution, (Y/n) shifted forwards and pressed his hands to the handles, pushing them open. They were fairly heavy for a basic set of doors.

The entity inside came thudding towards him, gripping his upper arms and digging his nails in.

Pressing his hands onto the torso of the entity, they were met with the mild surprise of a physical form. It had skin on it, human skin.

Loosening his harsh grip, Figure lowered his head. It was a heavy revelation to Figure, as he hadn't encountered another blind entity...but this was a human.

"So, you must be the esteemed human assisting in the hotel?" Figure bellowed, his voice low and inquisitive.

Freezing into position, (Y/n) couldn't help but feel somewhat fearful,"...Yes? I help around the hotel. I'm also-"

"-Blind?" Figure butted in, his voice beginning to relax into a more tame voice,"Well, I suppose we're in the same boat then. If the others trust you enough to have you around, then I suppose that I should find it in myself to trust you, too."

"Do you...have a name? It'll be easier to address you if you have a name. I have names for all the others, so I suppose I should get a name for you, too." (Y/n) told him, starting to feel comfortable in his loosening grip.

Trailing his hands around (Y/n)'s upper body, Figure holds the human by his back and presses him closer to his chest, his lengthy and flowy arms trapping him in Figure's embrace,"I go by the name 'Figure'."

"I'm (Y/n), the blind human you're holding right now." (Y/n) tells him, his face going a little bit red,"Uh, do you do this often? Are you always this touchy?"

Giving a low purr, Figure rested his head atop (Y/n)'s luscious locks,"No, not often. It's...good to have someone to relate to. I mean, we can be understand one another's struggles."

Sinking into Figure's grasp, (Y/n)'s face burned a fierce rouge,"Yeah, I suppose that's one way to put it."

"Well, I suppose you can consider me a close associate of yours now, (Y/n)." Figure purred, rubbing his chin against (Y/n)'s head, affectionately.

Feeling Figure brush himself against him, (Y/n)'s face radiated heat as his cheeks glowed red,"...Figure, you're a little bit close..."

"I apologise." Figure murmured apologetically, pulling away.

Throwing his arms around Figure, (Y/n) kept him close,"...I didn't say I didn't like it."

Drawing back in, Figure kept the human to his chest as he affectionately purred, a noise that startled the human. It was unrealistically blissful, a true place of security and safety.

(Y/n), too distracted by this closeness, stayed put in Figure's arms, feeling as if he could finally relate to someone.

"You know, if everybody was as wonderful as you, I might try and exit the library more often." Figure explains,"I've been guarding this sanctuary for so long, yet you've been able to wander the whole hotel without fear."

"This is a library?"(Y/n) gawked, forgetting that Figure had grabbed him the moment he entered, so he hadn't had time to feel around and make a mental vision of the room,"I didn't know that the hotel had a library."

Giving a low chuckle, Figure wrapped an arm around (Y/n)'s shoulder and lead him around,"Here, let me show you..."

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