Rush X Ambush (Fluff)

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Throughout the hotel, Rush's echoing screams can be heard.

Holding the crucifix up high, (Y/n) restrained Rush with blinding blue chains. His screams were ear-splitting and desperate, as he squirmed and fought back.

Feeling his energy be drawn from his body, he shakes and jitters. In a fit of desperation, he kicks his leg forwards, scraping (Y/n)'s shin with his heel. He's breathing heavily as he cries out for (Y/n) to cease their assault.

His fists are clenched as he feels his blood burn.

His body smokes uncontrollably and he screams out in agony. (Y/n) takes a sadistic enjoyment in watching his suffering. Unable to bear another second of this, he pleads,"Human, please! I won't kill you! I won't lay a single finger on you ever again! I'll never even look in your direction! I'll..I'll be your slave! I'll fight any entity that comes into your path, please! Please, please, just let me go! It burns!"

If Rush had the ability to cry, tears would be streaming down his face. He didn't expect a human to be so...horrifically twisted and sinister.

His wrists tremble, his fingers clenching and unclenching. He can't control his jaw, and it's shaking.

"Human, I'm begging you, I'll-"

"Rush? Rush, Guiding Light said you can't keep staying in rooms when you feel like it." Ambush's voice calls out from the previous room.

Catching an earful of Rush's pained screams, Ambush comes hurling into the room, his steps impatient and curious.

Seeing Rush restrained by those chains had Ambush's heart in his mouth; he was absolutely terrified for Rush.

Slamming (Y/n) to the ground, Ambush bares his teeth at them, gritting his pearly whites and speaking in a warning voice,"How dare you even try to lay a finger on Rush. You're a disgusting human, and I know you weren't doing it for protection you pathetic excuse of a sadist."

Digging his nails into (Y/n)'s face, Ambush waits until they begin to bleed before repeatedly slamming them into the wall by the head. The persistent pounds of (Y/n)'s head against the wall caught the other entities in the hotel off guard.

(Y/n) groaned and heaved in breaths as their head was ruthlessly force to the wall over and over. Their blood spurted all over the wallpaper, the red spraying out like spray paint. As their face grew pale, their breathing started to slow and their heart was begging to stop.

Throwing (Y/n) to the ground, Ambush kept his eyes on then as they stiffened, the adrenaline wearing off as the pain returns.

Smashing the crufix into four pieces, Ambush freed Rush of the chains the human had forced into him.

Rush, weakened from the crucifix's harsh hold on him, falls to his hands and knees.

Racing towards him, Ambush picks him up and keeps him upright by working as a support. The entity appeared drowsy, with dark circles under his black eyes, making his grey skin even darker. A pity resided in Ambush's eyes, a pity that didn't often rear itself into view, but this was a time where it was necessary.

Keeping an arm under Rush's shoulder, Ambush helped the entity to walk out of the room. Though Rush tripped and stumbled on his own feet, he managed to walk a bit by himself. Even so, Ambush didn't want to risk injuring Rush any more than he already had.

When they exited the dark room, they entered a sitting room. Practically falling onto the sofa, Rush gave in for the day.

"Hey, are you alright?" Ambush questioned, knowing what his answer would be.

Giving a little shake of his head, Rush whines a bit.

Laying his head on Ambush's chest, Rush let his eyes fall closed for a minute or two while the aforementioned green entity allowed this kind of closeness.

Mindlessly, Ambush's hand landed on Rush's head, his thumb caressing the injured entity's forehead as he soothed him.

There was nothing in the moment but tender care and intimacy.

Though he was asleep, Rush knew that the touch and affection he was recieving was worth the pain of the crufix's clutches.

Holding Rush tightly, Ambush lays his chin on Rush's head, his breath slowing and his heart quietening.

"You're safe now, Rush." Ambush whispered, holding him tightly,"It's okay."

Giving a groan, Rush relaxed in the grip, his eyes closed. As he's lulled into a light slumber, he keeps his head on Ambush's chest as they both lay lengthways across the sofa.

Ambush kept whispering reassuring things as Rush started to quieten and calm.

The room fell into a silence, nothing but a tranquil aura shifting in the air.

Addicted to the mesmerising motion of Ambush's fingers brushing over his head as he breathes lightly.

As he drifts off into a deeper slumber, one thought comes to his mind:

'Thank you, Ambush.'

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