• Sixteen •

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"That's the cutest thing ever, oh my god," Lauren looked at the pictures that the old man had taken of Mason and Jolene last night.

"I know I got so emotional; he was so sweet," Jolene said as she also had her eyes on the pictures.

The two girls were downtown in Crete, deciding that it would be nice to spend the day going shopping and just have some girl time together, while the boys were on the beach.

"I'm really happy for you two," Lauren smiled as she handed Jolene her phone back.

"Thank you," she smiled back, "so...what about you and Dec? How was your date night?" She asked as they walked into another store.

"It was really romantic actually. We went to a fancy restaurant then we got ice cream and went for a long walk, just talking about life," she smiled, thinking back to her night.

"Wow, Dec being romantic? Who would've thought?" Jolene giggled

"I know," Lauren chuckled, "but he was genuinely sorry, and I'm just glad we can go past that stupid argument."

"It just made your relationship even stronger; I'm glad everything is ok between the two of you too," Jolene said.

"Thank you," Lauren smiled.

While the girls were shopping, the boys had decided to go to the beach and spend the day there, play football like usual, and just have boys time.

They were on the beach where Mason and Jolene were last night, and he told them everything about it. Declan had practically forced him to tell him.

Mason mentioned the old man taking the pictures; he even showed them the exact spot where he asked her to be his girlfriend, and even how the conversation between them went.

"Mate, I'm just glad you finally did it," Declan said, sounding proud of his best friend.

"For real, I was getting worried you were going to chicken out," Nathan said, causing them to laugh.

"I know," he chuckled, "but enough about me. Woods, talk." Mason looked at him, and Declan turned his gaze to him too.

"Yeah you, drinking wine and all that," Declan teased him.

"Nah, it wasn't that special," Nathan shrugged, trying hard not to smile wide.

"He's lying," Mason teased him as he laughed with Declan, noticing that hidden smile on his best friends face.

"I had a good time, but I don't know if it's going to last, you know," Nathan shrugged

"Why do you think that?" Mason asked curious as he put his arm over Nathan's shoulders.

"I mean she's sweet and all that but she's from Spain...and I can't do long distance if it comes down to that," he explained.

"You'll figure it out, woods; just enjoy the time you have now," Declan patted his back.


Jolene was laying on the bed, watching her boyfriend fix his hair in front of the mirror in their room. They were getting ready for dinner with others here at the hotel, and as always, he needed a lot of time for his hair.

"You don't need to fix your hair, Mase; it looks good as it is," she said as she took herself up from bed, walking over to him.

"I think I need to cut it; it's growing and it's more difficult to style it now," he said as he kept brushing his hands through it, still not satisfied with how it looked.

She stood by his side, keeping her eyes on him as she was leaning on the counter, taking in all his beauty and the features that have always been perfect in her eyes.

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