• Twenty-seven •

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Text messages between
Mason and Jolene
9:21 a.m

Morning sunshine, awake yet?

10:42 am

I have a break in an hour,
wanna face time?

11:50 am

Jolene is everything ok?

Call me back please I'm worried

"Bro, stop stalking your girlfriend, she's probably sleeping still," Ben took the phone away from Mason's hand.

"Give it back," Mason reached out his hand to take his phone back, but Ben was not making it easy.

"Guys, sit down. You're acting like children." Reece looked at the two

"You keep tracking her, I get it, you're worried, but she's a smart girl," Ben handed the phone back as he spoke to him.

"She never wakes up this late, and she always answers," Mason kept being worried

"I'm sure she's a fine Mason," Reece assured him.

"She's supposed to be at work; she has her phone in her pocket. Always," Mason looked at Reece with a serious tone in his voice as he spoke.

"Give it a few hours; if she doesn't text or call back, I'll text Lauren to check out the library," Reece told him. Mason felt slightly relaxed at the suggestion, thinking it was probably for the best.

Meanwhile, in London, Jolene had overslept. She was supposed to go to work two hours ago, but since she got no sleep last night, she had fallen asleep late and woke up way too late.

She didn't have time to check her phone; she barely had time to take a sip of water. She ran to her car with messy hair and a basic outfit that perfectly showed what state she was in.

The library was close; she had quickly run inside, looking for Monty.

"There you are," he said, looking at her with crossed arms, not impressed.

"I'm so sorry, Monty, I overslept," she said, running her hand through her messy hair.

"Don't let it happen again; we don't have as many people here anyway; just your luck," he told her.

"Good, I'll cover Megan's shifts to make up my missed hours," Jolene told him.

"I'll let her know," he went back to the stack and returned the books to where they belonged. Jolene was ready to get to work before Monty spoke up and stopped her.

"Oh, and Jolly," he looked at her


"Someone was looking for you; he said it was important, so I let him sit in your office; I hope that's ok," he said to her.

"Ok, I'll go check," she assured him before making her way to her office.

She walked over to her door, opening it, and saw through the glass window that someone was already sitting there.

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