• Nineteen •

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It was 3 a.m., and Jolene couldn't sleep at all. After what happened yesterday with the whole situation with Mason and how she practically risked their relationship with her terrible choice of words, he hadn't spoken to her.

She understood that he was feeling angry, betrayed, and upset. No matter how many times she tried to apologize, he would cut her off by walking away, not wanting to hear her. He needed time to process; it's not something he can just accept and forget, especially when his feelings were hurt.

One positive thing was that they were still sleeping in the same bed, but facing each other's back. He went to bed earlier than her, claiming that he was tired, but in reality, he just wanted to skip an awkward encounter.

Jolene was looking at the window on her side for almost an entire hour. She tried falling back to sleep, but it was impossible. She was fully awake; even the sky had soon become brighter, indicating that daylight would be here soon.

She decided to occupy herself, and, carefully not to wake Mason up, she got changed into gym clothes. The gym in the hotel was open 24/7, so she decided to spend some time there and get distracted for a bit.


She had spent almost 30 minutes in the gym and felt nauseous again, like yesterday. Throwing up again, she was thinking about the whole pregnancy thing. Deep down, she knew it wasn't meant to be happening now, but for the sake of herself, she needed to tick off that box and stop overthinking it, even if it's too early to actually take one.

She went back to the hotel room, got a shower, and changed into a simple dress. It wasn't even 6 a.m. yet, and she still didn't know what to do. Stores weren't open, but there were some cafés open all day and night, so she decided to go for a walk and spend some time with herself until the pharmacy would open.

She walked through the streets of Crete, watching old buildings and taking pictures to save them. She found an open café nearby and ordered herself a cappuccino and a cinnamon roll. She needed to eat something to make her feel better about herself, and a cinnamon roll would always help.

She sat there in peace, enjoying her cappuccino and cinnamon roll with the beautiful view of the beach in front of her. She even brought her book with her to read. She could honestly get used to it. Nothing could beat this place.

She checked the time, and she had sat there for almost two hours, in her own little bubble, almost reading half the book. It was nearly 8 a.m., and the pharmacy would be open by now. She grabbed her stuff and slowly walked to the nearest one.

She became more nervous as she arrived. Just the thought of buying pregnancy tests was scary, and the fact that she was doing it right now was even more overwhelming. She bought two and put them in her bag, slowly walking back to the hotel.

Since being awake from 3 a.m, she was feeling tired when she arrived back at the hotel. None of her best friends were awake; otherwise, she would've received a text by now.

She went back to her room; Mason was still sleeping. She was thinking if she should wait with the test and do it with him or just do it alone. He wasn't talking to her anyway, so she decided to just get it over with and do it now.

She locked the bathroom door and took one test, saving the other one to take a few days or weeks later when it was more accurate.

She had her eyes on her phone the entire time, watching the minutes pass by. When three minutes had passed, it was time to see the results. She felt like her heart was going to beat out of her chest.

She took a deep breath, slowly turning the stick around. Looking closely, she let out a deep breath seeing it was negative. Of course she was relieved but she also had to remember that she still needed to take another one in a few days.

She decided to go back to bed, she laid there, closing her eyes, trying to go back to sleep.


Jolene had fallen asleep again at around 9 a.m. By the time the clock had turned 10, Mason had woken up. He looked to his side, seeing a peacefully sleeping Jolene next to him.

He's been feeling bad for not letting her talk to him. Whatever she had to say to defend herself, he wasn't ready to hear it. For all he knows, she could drop a bomb, telling him that she really doesn't want kids with him, or that their relationship wasn't long term in her mind.

He got up and went to the bathroom. The first thing he spotted was the pregnancy test on the counter top. He felt his heart beating out of his chest; she had taken the test despite refusing it yesterday. He checked the results and took help from the label on the package, realising that the test was negative.

Was he disappointed? A part of him was. Even if it was too early and Jolene wasn't keen on having a baby, he has always wanted one, but he can't be selfish.

He was still angry with Jolene. And he was dreading to hear her explanation, thinking that maybe she was being serious with what she said. He loves that girl to pieces, but he doubts that their love for each other will be enough to make him happy if it means no kids in the future. And it makes it even harder when he only wants to be with her and no one else.

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a knock. The door was already open, and Jolene had peeked through. Mason looked at her, but he quickly walked out of the bathroom, getting ready for the day.

"Mason, can we please talk?" She turned around and looked at him.

"Are you happy it's negative?" He suddenly asked. Jolene stood there, not knowing if she should tell him the truth, in case it would make it worse.

"Why am I even asking?" he scoffed, "of course you're happy," he mumbled as he put on a black shirt and swimming shorts.

"If you just let me explain-"

"I don't want to hear anything right now, Jolene. I'm not ready to hear it, and I'm still really hurt. So just give me space, before I end up saying something I regret," he said before he grabbed his essentials and left.

Jolene stood there alone again, frustrated and annoyed for letting him think that what she said was the truth. She didn't want him to think she didn't want to have kids with him, or that she wasn't committed to him. If he would just let her explain, things wouldn't have to go so far, but at the same time she can't blame him. She would be scared to hear the truth too, even if it wasn't harmful.

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