Chapter 201

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A time extension magic was applied to the entire practice room.

"Assuming there is no camera, let's go comfortably."

The average age of the contestants selected this time is similar to ours, who debuted for 3 years.

First of all, because of Seo Han-ul, the average age has gone up. Except for Seo Han-ul and Kim Woo-young, Jae-won was almost the same age.

"Hyung. Talk casually as usual. Wooyoung and you too."

They know these are good because I treat them friendly.

He smiles broadly and nods his head.


Seo Han-ul and Kim Woo-young exchanged jokes, saying that it was fortunate that they're close with the Master.

Good luck with that.

"It's 9:10 now."

Our members are the only ones who get anxious when they see my expression as I look at my watch.

"Hanul-hyung, you have to move bigger. Plus it's slow. No basic swag. And Wooyoung, you. Did you lose your skills while losing weight? What are you clinging to? Are you off the stage?"

Starting with Seo Han-ul and Kim Woo-yeong, 14 people were informed in detail of the current serious situation. What is the problem and how can you fix it?

Some need to relax, some need to keep pace, and some need more confidence.

Without saying anything, I threw a straight ball.

Are you in the middle of a school play right now, or just out to kill time?

Everyone was listening to what I had to say, contemplating. Among them, there was even a guy with tears in his eyes.

Because the truth always hurts.

"From now on until I'm satisfied, everyone can't go home."

Due to the nature of survival, you have to take the initiative on the first stage.

It is a story that needs to catch attention and form a fandom. The further you go, the more you will rely on voting, so you need a strong eye stamp.

And as long as I'm the Master, these guys must succeed.

"You know that, and start again."


Coinciding with the day of departure for Hong Kong, the notice for <Be my IDOL> appeared.

Filaments did not hide their excitement.

• Finally, the preview for Be My Idol is out. It's so cool to see the members in the master's seat.

ㄴ Worth mastering Actually, our kids are the best.

ㄴ Master running younger than the contestants ㅎㅎㅎ Good luck bb (ㅠㅠ)

• The master lineup was amazing. No matter what anyone says, this is really cool.

ㄴ When they were showing the participants, I can see Ha-nul at first glance.

ㄴ Seo Han-ul? Didn't he go to Blade? After going to Blade, are you going to take care of your child? oh my god

ㄴ In the last interview of Survival Musical genius, Seo Han-ul said that he has a lot of interest in idols. He said Lee Chan was an influence.

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