Chapter 232

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She can't speak a word while crying.

"Why are you crying? Oh? What's going on? Joo-hee."

She couldn't ask for more details in the barrel of crying like holding a portrait in the funeral.

"where are you?"

-Salpet...... do not know. It's an unnamed hospital.

"Just wait. I'll go there."

Mina hung up her phone and immediately rushed to Pitiers-Salpetrières Hospital.



I was slightly embarrassed.

I thought she must have been hurt a lot because she wailed loudly.

Whether it was Joo-hee herself or Irene, who was with the American light bulb, I thought it would be like this because someone was injured.

However, neither appeared to be injured.

When I asked why she was crying, the answer that came back was bizarre.

"Because I'm obviously very hurt? Here, the nose is torn, and the leg is also torn. Irene's face is also..."

Joo-hee shook her head, shaking her head as if she couldn't bear to speak, then opened her mouth again.

"But all of a sudden we're not hurt at all."

She was surprised that the wounds were gone, although the blood stains were still there. Then, Irene nodded, saying that all of Juhee's words were correct in her poor Korean.

"What bullshit is this?"

Maybe they hurt their heads in pairs, and they say nonsense very colorfully.

"It's not bullshit. Sister, is it real? There are a lot of light bulbs like that here. Ah."

You hit your head with the same very group. Or due to mental stress caused by an explosion accident.....any signs of delirium.

"It's okay because I'm not hurt."

First of all, as soon as we go back to Korea, Juhee should go to the psychiatrist and ask for counseling. If this happens, the aftereffects of traumatic stress disorder will become serious.

After confirming Juhee's safety, my eyes went elsewhere.

Inside the treatment center at Salpetriere Hospital, there was a real mayhem.

I stretched my neck, asked as I looked around the treatment center.

"The Lit members? Lee Chan-yi? Si-woo?"

First of all, according to the news article, it was said that it was a minor injury. When I asked about lit, Joohee started to cry again.

"Kyuhyung-nim was hurt a lot."

Haaaa, it seems that team leader Kyuhyung Lee was injured. I thought about the news, it was said that one of the managers is seriously injured.

"Leader Kang was crying......."

Tears fell from Juhee's eyes again.

"I thought my heart would burst."

Hearing that Lee Chan cried, I also felt pain. His strong heart, which rarely cries, eventually collapsed in front of his manager.

I am upset about why is this keep happening to Lit.

"The clothes were all covered in blood, but I don't know if Kang was injured or not. They went to a different hospital than here. Only the fans were moved here."

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