1. this is why you never leave the house

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Aaaand we're back ;) enjoy folks!!


"If I hear one more person telling me to have a good holiday break, I'm going to commit homicide."

"Randomized or targeted? Because I can give you some targets, if you need some."

Your lips twitch. "Don't tell me you have a list."

"Darling," Hange says, pressing a hand to their chest and feigning offence, "what kind of a friend would I be if I didn't have a list? When we get home, I'll put on the kettle and read it all out to you."


It's cold but thankfully not snowing as you and Hange head back to your apartment. Today was the last day of classes: now, time for a few days off, then exam season. You're not looking forward to it, but you're looking forward to what follows even less.

Family. Seeing your family for the holidays- that's twenty times worse than exams, and your exams are tough as hell.

"C'mon, smile a bit! We just finished up half of our last year of college!" Hange urges, nudging you. "That's exciting!"

You frown at them. "I have four exams, all worth half my grade."

"Okay, so maybe less exciting. But when they're done, you'll only have one semester left! And then we graduate!"

And then you graduate. Theoretically, that should be a good thing.

You sigh to yourself. "Sorry," you murmur. "I don't mean to be a downer. Just- just dreading going home for the holidays. That's all."

Hange sighs sympathetically, patting you on the back. "Right. Sorry, I forget that not everyone likes going home. What's your family got planned?"

"Same thing as every year. Rented the same nice, big cabin the middle of nowhere- up north," you add, and Hange shudders, "and we stay there for two weeks. And my mom needles me as to why I don't have a boyfriend, and my dad wants to know what my plans are after graduation, and all my damn cousins have partners already and- well, I'm the black sheep."

"If your mom's biggest problem with you is that you don't have a boyfriend, that's pretty good."

"You'd think so, wouldn't you? She makes it seem like it's the worst thing on Earth." You roll your eyes. "The amount of times that I've heard 'oh, these are your prime years, make sure you meet somebody' makes me want to trek straight out of that damn cabin and freeze to death."

"That cold up there?" Hange asks.

You nod. "Yeah. Gets a foot or two of snow every year."

Your friend winces. "Yuck! I like the snow but warm weather's just so much more appealing- we should do a trip down south after next semester," they suggest.

You smile at their attempt at being optimistic. "I'll keep it in mind."

"Better than the snow!" Hange says triumphantly. "Why don't you just stay in the apartment? Lonely, sure, but if it's that much trouble..."

"Been there, done that," you say with a shake of your head. "Tried to pretend I was sick one year. Had a different family member come and visit every single day, video calls constantly, and the nagging-"

"Gotcha," Hange interrupts, laughing. "Not worth it."

"Not worth it," you agree. "Just have to suck it up for two weeks." You turn to look at them, forcing a smile. "What're you doing for the holidays?"

Hange launches into a lengthy explanation of their holiday traditions with their family, and you do your best to follow along as they continue. Their explanation lasts for the rest of the walk, and by the time you get back to the two-bedroom apartment that you share with Hange, you're simmering in your own anger.

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