11. it doesn't count if you're hypothermic

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The next morning, you wake up with a disproportionate amount of anxiety.

Did that actually happen?

There's no way.

But here you are. Arm over Levi's side, cheek pressed into his shirt. You can feel his fingers curled around the edge of your top, right at your neck, the knuckles of his fingers pressing into the top of your spine. 

You can feel the heat of his breath on the top of your head. His lips are pressed to your hair. You shift slightly and Levi's grip tightens, gathering you into him just the slightest bit more.

This. This is what you missed. That feeling from that one morning, when you'd woken up in his arms. Warm. Safe. Happy.

"You awake?" you hear Levi murmur.

"Mhm," you hum in response.

Your anxiety rises slightly- last time, he excused your cuddling as not wanting to wake you up. Is he going to do that again? But Levi just exhales softly, warm air hitting the top of your scalp, and he asks, "how'd you sleep?"

Your chest feels inexplicably warm. "Good. You?"


He still doesn't move. You feel tense, like you're expecting him to leave at any moment. You feel Levi's fist in your shirt at the top of your neck unfurl, and his fingers press against your neck. Slowly, his fingertips draw lines up and down the top of your spine, sending shivers down your back.

You start to relax. You sigh softly, sinking into him, grateful. Alright. A silent acknowledgement that things have changed. You're not sure if you want to talk about it yet; you don't know what to say, but you're happy to stay like this for a while.

The two of you stay there, bundled in blankets and cuddled up with each other, for at least another fifteen minutes before you hear your phone vibrate on the nightstand. "Can I get my phone?" you murmur.


Your lips twitch. "Why not?"

He doesn't reply. Levi exhales, hot air against your scalp, delivering tingles down your spine. 

Resigning yourself to your fate, you sink back into Levi's chest- at least, until you hear your phone buzz again. "Levi, someone could be dying," you say.

"Let them die," Levi grumbles.

You bite the inside of your cheek to keep from laughing. "What if it's Hange?"

"I stand by what I said."

"I'll tell them you said that."

"Won't do much good if they're dead."

You sink your teeth into the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from laughing as you carefully extract yourself from Levi's arms so that you can reach for your phone. The second you grab it, Levi pulls you back towards him, and you giggle as he tugs the blankets back over you and buries one of his hands in your hair.

"It's cold," Levi complains, fingertips starting to draw small circles across your scalp.

"I thought you didn't get cold," you accuse softly, turning your phone on.

He's quiet, and then you hear him grumble, "I don't." You smile to yourself as you glance at your phone from an awkward angle, arm cramped as you try to look at your screen. Your smile vanishes when you see that it's your mother.

Mom (9:46): Could you be bothered to get up and help me with breakfast?

Mom (9:47): I would very much appreciate the help

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