5. it doesn't count if it's dance practice

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The rest of Christmas day is tense, but not as awful as you were expecting.

Maybe it's the holiday spirit, or maybe Kuchel gave Lovof a talking to, because Levi's stepfather is uncharacteristically quiet for most of the day. No smart remarks or anything of the sort, nothing but stern glares that make you straighten up.

Levi gives you a proper tour of the mansion. Every new room blows your mind just a bit more: there's a massive ballroom, which is where he says the gala is supposed to take place. There's a games room with pool tables, ping pong tables, and even shuffleboard, which you think is something that you only find in senior homes. There's even a library that you end up spending a good hour or so in before Levi says his mother is looking for you.

And baking with Kuchel isn't even that bad. Even with all of the staff on hand to make every single meal for them, Kuchel tells you that she enjoys baking and likes to do it herself (and that for Christmas, she gave the staff the day off). She invites you to join her, making small talk as you two navigate through the kitchen of your dreams.

"You're good at this," Kuchel says kindly as you slide the cake you both have been working on into the oven. "Do you bake often?"

"Not really," you admit. "It's fun, but I don't really have the time. I'd love to do it more." You remember that you're supposed to be dating her son, and you add, "sometimes, when Levi and I have nights in, I'll make something."

"That's lovely. What do you make?"

"Cookies, usually." You remember something else that Levi told you over dinner: he goes to the gym a lot. Does that mean he eats healthy? Shit. "I think he's a bit too nice to me, eating as much as he does," you joke, improvising. "Considering how often he goes to the gym."

Kuchel nods, and you relax. Nailed it. "Yes, he does tend to watch what he eats. That's sweet of him," she murmurs, straightening up. "Good. He treats you well?"

You smile. "I couldn't ask for anyone better."

She beams warmly, and it genuinely makes your chest feel warm. Levi's mother is so lovely: she really does care about him, and even though you've known her for less than a day, she cares about you too. She cares about if her son is taking good care of you.

"Do you think he'll like the cake?" Kuchel asks you, peering into the oven. "I know he doesn't like big birthday celebrations, but I like to make cake to let him know I'm thinking of him. Do you think that's too much?"

You pause.


Is today Levi's birthday?

Fucking hell- that would've been nice information to know. Is it even his birthday, or is Kuchel trying to catch you in a lie? No, you don't think so, she seems too sweet for that. "How's he handled his past few birthdays?" you ask politely.

She sighs softly. "I think that he likes it being on Christmas, if I'm honest. He can hide behind the holidays," she says with a weak chuckle. "But I- I wonder if he ever wants something more. A bigger celebration."

You barely know the guy, but you're pretty sure he doesn't. "I can talk to him, if you'd like," you say. "I can ask."

"Thank you, dear," Kuchel murmurs, smiling at you. "You're so lovely. I truly do hope you're happy with him."

God, you wish your mother was like this. It makes you want to tear up. "He's wonderful, honestly," you say, because what's the harm? You're not actually dating Levi, sure, but he's been kind and respectful to you, so you may as well sing him a few praises if it'll make her happy. "He's- he's thoughtful. Genuinely, he's so thoughtful. And respectful. He's- he's really patient with me."

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