10. it doesn't count if it's 2am [nsfw]

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Is it possible to die from adrenaline overload?

You just might.

It feels like your cells are all vibrating. You're fidgety and anxious and stressed but also horny as hell and hyped up about what just happened. Levi's hands on your hips, his lips on yours, his chest against yours. You can still feel it all, every bit of his tongue, his lips. You can feel it all.

You still feel it after you've spent ten minutes in the bathroom, drying yourself off and putting on some thin pajamas (you're still too warm for your fuzzier ones), and you can still feel it even after you've washed your face and brushed the hell out of your teeth. 

You glare at yourself in the mirror, face still flushed and hair damp. You look cute, you think. Do you? Maybe you should be going for sexy, but it's kind of hard unless you tried to go to bed wearing just underwear, which- no, you don't have the balls for that.

Instead, you glare at yourself in the mirror. You point a finger at yourself. "Do not," you hiss through your teeth, "fuck this up."

Steeling yourself, you exit the bathroom. Levi got changed while you were in the bathroom: he's wearing grey sweats and a black t-shirt. Alright, that's not fair; his fucking arms are on full display. He's totally doing that on purpose.

He turns to you when he hears you enter the room. His hair looks stupidly fluffy; you want to run your fingers through it. "Hey," Levi murmurs.


For a moment, neither of you move. You just... stare. And you want to talk about it: you want to bring up the hot tub, but you don't know how to do it without being awkward. And you're much too nervous. What if you say something and it just gets weird, or... wait.

Alright, you've got an idea. "You're a good teacher," you murmur.

He stares at you for a second, confused, but you can see when the realization comes to him. That mock lesson on kissing or whatever the hell you're calling it. "Helps when you've got a good student," he says.

"Do I get a grade?"

Levi pretends to think. "B plus."

Your jaw drops. "B plus? I think I deserved at least an A."

"Maybe if we had more time."

Both of you pause at the insinuation. This is hellishly flirty. And...

Who cares? Who cares about the damn fake relationship? Because clearly neither of you do, not with what happened in that hot tub. Not with the way he held you, not with the way you kissed him, and especially not with the way you could feel how hard he was.

"Maybe if we had more time," you echo, feeling kind of shy.

The smirk on Levi's face makes you feel a bit better. "And?" he asks. "Did I prove you wrong?"

Prove you wrong about- oh. You'd called him mediocre, you remember that. You shrug, trying to summon some of the same courage you'd had last night while you were tipsy, and you say, "maybe if we had more time."

"More time," Levi repeats. "That wasn't enough to assess?"

You pretend to think, then raise your thumb and forefinger, leaving a bit of space in between. "Slightly above mediocre," you say.

His lips twitch. "Hm. Guess we'll have to find out some other time."

"Some other time," you agree, "when we have more time."

"When we have more time," Levi confirms.

We have more time now.

The words hang in the air. Neither of you say them.

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