20. real weddings are better than fake weddings

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Wedding day comes fast.

The week flies by: projects, quizzes, marking tests. By the time it's Friday, you're grateful to be done with your school-related obligations and you're genuinely looking forward to the celebration this weekend.

'Celebration' is sort of how you've been referring to it in your head, because 'wedding' just feels so... serious. And yes, it is a wedding, just... without the actual, licensed minister part. And if it was real, you'd probably have to be more serious about your invite list, and what food you're serving, and wedding favors, and-

Nope, now you're overthinking it. "Hange has it covered," you say firmly as you pack your bag with your essentials. "Hange's got it all covered."

Repeating it makes your anxiety spike again- because saying Hange has it covered isn't exactly the most comforting thought- but that stress dissipates the second that Levi shows up. He doesn't even text you that he's here anymore; he comes up and knocks at your door now, normally with the intent of carrying your bag so that you don't have to.

Tonight is no different. Levi shows up sometime after six, knocking, and you're quick to welcome him. "I'm almost packed," you tell him quickly, ducking back towards your room. "Just- I haven't figured out what I need for jewelry and makeup and all that tomorrow."

"No rush," Levi tells you. "Where's Hange?"

"Somewhere in their room, I think."

Levi wanders off. A few seconds later, you hear three loud thumps of a fist against a door, and Levi snapping, "Four-Eyes! Hurry your ass up!"

You roll your eyes. It would've been nice for the drive to just be you and Levi, but you're bringing Hange and Erwin too. You're all going the same way and Levi has the space- it doesn't make sense to force them to take the train. "I'm hurrying, I'm hurrying!" Hange squawks. "You just told Angel that there's no rush!"

"No rush for her, doesn't apply to you," Levi argues.

"I'm almost done, I'm almost done," you call.

"Take your time."

"Then I'll take my time, you asshole!"

"No. Hurry up or we're leaving you behind."

"Ah, but then who would run your wedding?"

"We'd figure it out."

"But do you have the contact information for the caterers? The decorators? All of your guest info? The schedule and timeline for tomorrow? The music playlist?"

"I'm done," you say quickly, jumping out of your room with your bag clutched in your hands. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hold us up."

Levi waves you off, grabbing your bag. "I'll tell Erwin that Hange held us up."

"You'll do no such thing!"

"Try me."

Needless to say, the car ride is rather eventful. Hange insists on going through the plan in an enormous amount of detail, sometimes way too much ("Saturday night, 11pm, Levi and Angel consummate their marriage." "Hange, what the fuck.") and Erwin is rather good at summarizing Hange's long rants into more concise statements of what you actually need to know from Hange's rambles, which is nice.

The ride feels shorter than normal, and before you know it, you're at Levi's place. It's your... fourth time now? You think? Yes, your fourth time here, and while the novelty of it all has faded, it's new for Hange and Erwin.

While Erwin seems... pleased, you guess, Hange is downright ecstatic. "Butlers!" they exclaim. "This driveway is longer than the street I grew up on!"

"It's impressive," Erwin says.

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