14. oh it definitely counts [nsfw]

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The next day, over room service, Levi asks if you want to go out.

It takes you a moment to register that he means out of the hotel room. "Like, outside?" you ask, and Levi's lips quirk. "Where? Did you have somewhere in mind?"

He shrugs. "While we're here. Just us. If you wanted to go somewhere."

Just us. He's right- tomorrow, you head back to school and back to the real world. Hm. Maybe it's worth going out then, on your last day off. But, then again, you could just spend the day in bed, or...

"I owe you," Levi adds.

You blink, then remember your conversation from yesterday. Right. Your underwear. Heat floods your face, and you get out, "well, how can I turn that down?"

His lips twitch, and the two of you go back to breakfast. The heat remains in your face for much too long, and you steal glances at him from across the table as you heat. More often than not, he's staring at you too, and you both look away, which just makes your skin feel that much warmer.

Good lord. Your first boyfriend, you'd mostly dated for the sake of it- he was nice, he liked you, and you really couldn't see any reason why not. But the anxiety that consumed you throughout the relationship was exhausting, and after the two of you ended things, you really couldn't see the appeal of having a boyfriend. Especially if it came with that level of stress and anxiety and there really wasn't much in the way of benefits.

And yeah, you're only a few days into this. But there's an excitement with Levi that you've never felt before. The expression 'having butterflies in your stomach' finally makes sense. It's almost like you're giddy.

Maybe it won't last. Maybe it's like a honeymoon phase, where this is all good and exciting, but if you give it some time, you'll be back to stewing in your anxiety.

But maybe it will. Maybe it'll last, and everything will be worth it.

You glance up again and Levi's already staring at you; this time, he holds your gaze. Your stomach flips as you manage a smile and you go back to your food.

Half an hour later, the two of you have finished eating and gotten ready. You bundle yourself up tight, anticipating the cold you'll feel outside. You don't spend as much time in the cold as you expect, however; one of the concierges brings Levi's car around to the front of the hotel, and you only have to brave the cold for a few moments before you're safely in the warmth of Levi's car.

"I'm surprised," you say as you pull your seatbelt across your chest. "You trust other people to drive your car?"

"The valet?" Levi asks, glancing at you. He only starts to drive when he sees that you're buckled in. "No."

You frown. No, but he lets it go anyway?

Levi reads into your frown and says, "I have insurance for a reason."

"Hm." You fight back your smile. "Happens often, though. At your- at your stepfather's mansion. And again here."

"He gets offended if I don't let the butler park it," he grumbles, taking a gentle right turn. "Bitches about how he pays for staff and I may as well use them. Not worth the effort. And with the hotel," he adds, "I had you."

You tilt your head slightly, confused. "You had me?"

"Yeah." He shoots you a quick frown before looking back to the road. "Why would I want to waste time parking when I could spend it with you?"

"Oh." That feeling again, those butterflies in your stomach. "You could've parked, I wouldn't have minded-"

"Nope," Levi interrupts. "Enough of that."

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