17. it counts, no matter what

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totally forgot I was supposed to post this today, my bad- enjoy! (?)


Your train gets in about a half hour after midnight.

Surprisingly, you slept for most of the trip. The train was relatively empty, which was nice, and it was a quieter trip than you anticipated. Not too many people on the train and not too many stops.

By the time your stop rolls around again, you're back to stewing in your anxiety. Yes, he said thank you, and yes, he said he'd pick you up, but... God, what if you're intruding? You know that you're way past being able to turn around, so you really don't have a choice, but you can't help but stress.

The train pulls to a stop. You fumble with your bag and slip out the exit doors, navigating through the nearly-empty station until you're at the parking lot. You take a few steps, then pause. Should you call him? No, there's not that many cars here. You can find him. 

Sure enough, your eyes find him quickly. There he is. There's Levi, standing in front of his car. 

It's like you suddenly have tunnel vision. No one else exists- not that there's many people in the parking lot- and all you can see is just him. Levi, who locks eyes with you the second that he sees you and straightens up.

You make your way over to him, barely remembering to glance side to side as you cross the parking lot, and the second you're close enough, you dump your bag on the ground. You throw your arms over Levi's shoulders, burying your face into his neck. His arms go right around your back.

God, you needed this. You needed a hug. But you suspect Levi needs it more by the way he exhales, his breath shaky, and the way he's squeezing you tight enough to hurt. You're here for him; there's no room for your anxiety, not here, not now.

"Hi," you mumble into Levi's shoulder.

Neither of you let go. You sway back and forth in the parking lot, ignorant of the world around you. "Hi," Levi murmurs back.

Still, no one lets go. Not you, not Levi. You could stay here forever, you think- anxiety dissipated, in the arms of the man you love, knowing that you're helping him by being here. He wants you here.

With a shaky sigh, Levi pulls back. You loosen your grip, but Levi surprises you by raising his hands to cup your jaw. "I should've told you to come," he mutters, thumb streaking over your cheekbone. "I shouldn't have made you- it would've been easier-"

And then he's kissing you, kissing your lips and then your forehead, and then he's back to hugging you again. You're happy to oblige, your arms going back over his shoulders, but a bit lighter this time. "I should've fought harder to come," you murmur, burying one of your hands into his hair. 

Finally, after enough time has passed to make you feel cold again, you pull back. "Thank you," Levi says, squeezing your hand. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize." You squeeze back. "Just... honesty. We promised that at the beginning, didn't we?"

You watch his eyebrows furrow. "...We did," Levi eventually agrees.

You're not mad. How could you be? "Just be honest," you urge softly. "I promise, I want to be here, as long as you want me here. Tell me that next time."

He nods. "I will." He pulls your hand. "You're freezing. Get in."

You're about to argue that you're fine, but then you realize that you genuinely are freezing- it's cold as hell out here. Levi goes for your bag, so you shoot him a quick thank you before you slide into the passenger seat of his car.

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