13. it doesn't... fuck it, it counts

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Hello again! I'm so sorry for making you wait so long. Full author's note at the end of the chapter- enjoy! :)


When you wake up, you can hear the shower running. 

You yawn, stretching yourself out in the massive bed. As your brain starts to turn back on, the events of last night (or early this morning?) start to come back to you. Pizza, wine, counting down the new year, then...

You sit upright, suddenly wide awake. Holy shit.

"We had sex," you whisper to yourself, looking around the room. Yes- there's your clothes from yesterday, folded in a neat pile on the desk. You don't remember doing that, but you remember removing them. You lift the blanket, and yeah, you're naked. 

Oh my god. Oh my god oh my god. We fucked. Levi and I fucked.

Your heart feels like it's going a million miles an hour. Holy fucking shit. You had sex, and it was wonderful, and Levi was so kind to you and his tongue- oh, fuck, his tongue. You squeeze your thighs together just thinking about it.

He's in the shower then, right? That makes sense. Your heart hammers against your chest. What's he thinking? He's fine with what happened last night, right? He doesn't regret it? Or maybe now that the two of you have had sex, now that you've gone all the way, maybe he's done? Is that all he wanted? 

You're being crazy. He booked the room for three days; obviously, he's intending to keep this going for longer. But what happens after that? Is this just a temporary thing?

God, you're thinking too much. Eager for a distraction, you reach for where you think your phone is: the nightstand. It's not there, but a folded piece of paper is.

Frowning, you snag the paper, unfolding it. It's a note. 


Already ordered room service. Scheduled at 10. 

No, I don't suddenly hate you.

Last night was fun.



You read it once, then twice, then again. You look up towards the bathroom, then back to the note. When the disbelief wears off, a smile splits across your face.

He doesn't hate you. He doesn't regret it. And he told you so.

Your conversation with him about emotional permanence comes back to you. Is this why he did it? Because he knows you'll second-guess it, he knows you'll overthink it, and he knows you'll question everything that happened yesterday.

So he's put up a safeguard. He's already written you something.

Fuck, you might tear up. You carefully fold the note and set it back on the side table, not wanting to accidentally rip it. Shit- are you actually tearing up? That's so sweet of him- so considerate that you might melt.

This man's going to break your heart, isn't he? With how deeply you've fallen for him in just a week. Notes are a dangerous thing, because they're something you can keep. It's something physical that you can hang on to, a reminder of how kind he is to you, how he makes you feel. Something you can hold on to for a long time, regardless of what happens to you and Levi after this.

The shower shuts off. Realizing that means Levi's going to be rejoining you shortly, you hop out of bed and scamper to your luggage, hunting for fresh clothes. You pull on clean underwear and a t-shirt that's too big on you, grab your phone from the floor (how the hell did it get there?), then move back to the bed, sliding under the covers.

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