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Yoongi's POV

I smiled after receiving the number from Jimin.

"See, I told you huh!" I said to Taehyung who thought Jimin would make up some random excuse to give his number

"Really? Call her then" he said. I smirked at him. I'm not sure if this number exists or not but I was pretty confident. So I dialed the number and I rang.

My heart started racing and blood rushing everywhere. Why the nervousness? And do mention the sweating.

Suddenly my heart beat decreased.

"You have reached the voicemail box off +82..." I quickly hung up. I groaned loudly. Was Taehyung right? The number is definitely fake.

"WHAT?" I asked yelled with fury.

"Hahah... I told you" I felt like smaking Taehyung's lips at the spot but he's my friend.

I dialed again hoping to prove Taehyung wrong. I hate that Taehyung is always right even at the deepest situations. He doesn't compromise to tell the truth without beating around the bushes.


"Agh! This girl is fake. Is it even a girl?" I sighed with frustration. Taehyung smiled with triumph like it is his biggest achievement.

"Don't try me Taehyung" I said angrily before going to the kitchen.

I got mad. Who would catfish me? Me? Min Yoongi. The nerve of this human being. 'First fan, number one fan my foot!'

"Is all good hyung?" Namjoon asked as soon as he walked into the kitchen and finding me sitting on the island. Honestly I didn't wanna tell him anything, Taehyung will rub it in later anyways.

"Pass me a glass and that whatever bottle there" I lazily said.

"Drinking your problems away? Again? For the..." annoying isn't it? I cut him off.

"Careful Kim. Don't provoke the snake, it will bite back" he rolled his eyes and placed two glasses right besides me.

I scoffed at his behaviour. I see what he's trying to do, trying to drink with me so I can tell him what's bothering me. Well that's not happening, never in a million years.

"Have this" he passed a glass with whiskey.

"Why so much? The glass isn't supposed to be full genius" he only grinned and shrugged before pouring for himself. I scoffed, "unbelievable".


"Nope" I took one gulp before jumping down from the island. "I'll be back. Pray for me brother" I turned to walk away.

"What's wrong?" I heard his question but continued walking.

I entered my room and threw myself on the comfortable, soft mattress. I took my phone out of my pocket and tried dialing Jimin again.

It kept ringing and ringing. Right, who am I fooling?
And I thought I'd finally have someone in my life who loves me for me.

The phone stopped ringing but surprisingly it wasn't the voicemail voice but silence.

"Hello?" I said trying to be as calm as I could so I don't mess up.

"Uh... H-Hi" the voice stuttered and the talker clears her voice.

"It's uh... you know who" I said feeling my self blush and I chuckled to try to cover it off which obviously didn't work. If she was here, she'd laugh at how red my face is turning.

"Uh yes, I.. I know" that sounded like a whisper.

The voice is not pitchy nor deep. It is just a unisex voice which made me suspicious. That's not how I fully imagined her voice. Something is wrong.

"So, why didn't you answer my calls?" I can't help with curiosity. I'm sure she had the phone in her hand because I called immediately after.

"I sorta panicked. I apologise" that sounded believable but the voice changed. Weird.

"Ohh it's understandable. So what are you upto?"

Who knew that the anger would fade away immediately I heard the voice? It was my plan to interrogate her but I just can't push my self to it. She sounded scared and repeated words every now and then.

"Nothing much" that's it? Not gonna ask me back. Whatever.

We kept communicating and the conversation wasn't as bad as I imagined. I tried being myself as much as I could.

We mostly talked about my life and make jokes about it. We'd flirt a bit which I never knew I could do. Namjoon was right, it comes naturally to the person or people we have genuine feelings for.

Maybe I fell in love but it shouldn't be that deep. I mean, I haven't seen the person in real life.

"So, I see you're friends with few celebrities" I said trying to not talk about me anymore. The topic about me was now no longer pleasant to talk about.

"Uh, Jungkook, San and Hoseok hyung. They don't post me because I hate having my face out there so I support from the side"

Honestly I didn't hear what he said after. Hyung? Wasn't she supposed to say oppa? Weird.

This person is trying to play mind games with me.

The voice made sense now, it's a man with a little pitchy voice. It may sound feminine but can be recognised to belong to a man.

I didn't mention to hear him talk more. Of course he kept saying Hoseok hyung. The plan of fooling me backfired didn't it? But the stupid boy didn't even realise.

Honestly I'm disappointed. Why he'd hide his gender? And who's the girl he keeps posting faceless pictures of?

What's his sister's account?

"...so yeah, they're my friend" he chuckled a bit before going quiet.

"What's your sister's Instagram?" I asked hesitantly because he might refuse to say it but he said it without any problem.

"It's wonbinie like w-o-n-b-i-n-i-e. Wonbinie" he said and sounded stress free. He didn't even ask why, huh Weird.

"You didn't have to spell it though" I chuckled and he giggled in return. I'm sure he's an angel in real life.

"I thought you wanted to search her"

"Hyung. We have to go, remember you have an interview" Taehyung said as soon as he opened my bedroom door. I nodded and he left.

"I guess you're leaving" Jimin said sounding a bit sad and I chuckled.

"Yes but we'll talk soon okay?" And he didn't reply. "Okay?" I asked again for confirmation.

"I nodded"

"How am I supposed to know that? I can't see you" I said with a smile which he can't obviously see.

"Right. Okay bye Yoongi"

"Jimin, are you sure there isn't something you are not telling me. You know, like who you are" of course I knew he wouldn't answer my sudden question.

"Why?" He asked after a short period of silence. His voice sounded shaky and panicky.

"I don't know, you feel different than that girl on the picture" I just tried to make sure about everything.

"I knew it. We shouldn't have called. I knew you'd hate me. We should only text instead. Bye" he said faster that I could rap. I mean not even Namjoon could rap that fast, he must be panicking which proved my suspicions right. If it's not catfishing he wouldn't have panicked.

He quickly hung up after the fast verse he just rapped. Weird.

"If only he knew how I am also attracted to boys. Doesn't he listen carefully to my verses?"

I sighed before standing with my two feet on the carpeted floor. I tried pushing the thought of Jimin at the back of my head. Hopefully I don't mess the interview up.

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