Chapter 7 The USJ 'Incident'

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Hello... I would put music in here but I use SoundCloud to avoid ads.


"But first, you must pick a class president." Aizawa explained.

The class burst into noise.

Bob yelled out, "Shut Up"

"Thank you death child."

"We should all vote." Iida burst out.

"Like a democracy?" Yaoyorozu asked.

Iida replied simply, "Yes."

After the voting

Izuku had 6 votes and Yaoyorozu had 4.

"Gun child and Ponytail child are the class president and vice. Now on the bus, I don't care where you sit just sit down."

They all got in the bus and sat down.

"Hey Rutledge."

"Yes Asui."

"Call me Tsu and you say you are quirkless."

"Yeah, that is right."

"How did you get in, I thought that UA didn't accept the quirkless. Or did they change that rule. Or is it because the guns."


"To which?"

"Alright, it is not easy to destroy robots seeing as I have a brother figure who is an omnic, he is also known as a robot. But, they do get repaired. So all is fine. Also yes it is easy to get in without a quirk if you have gun skills like mine. Heck I'm making a Railgun. It is called the SAHR."

"What does that stand for?"

"Sick As Hell Railgun."           (I have too much time on my hands also nice if you got the reference.)

"Okay then."

"Hey Rutbro, do you think I could be popular, after all my quirk isn't that flashy."

"Hey, you have a quirk at least, you know how hard quirkism is on you. You have seen the scars, but not all of them. Besides, heroes like Bakugo will never be a popular hero. Have you met the guy."

"Hey, I heard that, I'll kill you!"

"I mean he is right though. Have you met the guy. His attitude is worse than the smell of burning garbage." The one known as Kaminari said.

"How vulgar." Yaoyorozu commented with clear disgust in her voice.

"Alright shut up, we are here." Aizawa finished the conversation and the bus doors flew open.

"Morning everyone." Winston greeted as usual.

"Oh my gosh, the space hero Thirteen." Uraraka fangirled.

"I didn't know that I had a fan base." The astronaut replied.

The doors flew open, "Welcome to the Universal Studios Japa-."

"The unforeseen simulator joint." Aizawa finished for Winston and Thirteen.

"No need to spoil the fun Shota." Thirteen chuckled.

"Where is All Might?" Aizawa asked.

And she held up three fingers, Aizawa sighed at this, "Of course he overworked himself."

"Here is where you will be doing rescue training." Winston announced

A portal opened up, "Cool, they have fake villains." Kirishima said to the others.

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