Chapter 15, A new mission

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(My friend sent me this on discord)


"Alright class. We all have a problem that could affect all of us." Winston announced to his class.

"What is it sir, can't the heroes handle that." Kaminari asked.

"Good question Kaminari, but this is a far bigger problem so we have been asked to contribute."

"But who are they?" Iida asked.

"Null Sector is what they call themself. All we know is that they are being assisted by an ex-talon member named Moira who is obsessed with human evolution. Their leader is an Omnic named Ramattra. If anyone knows anything about it please come forward in front of the class."

Bob got up and stepped to the front of the class, "Ramattra is my Godfather, and I know he wouldn't choose violence unless something really pissed him off. He was a man who favoured equality for all sentient beings on the planet."

"Thank you Bob. We also have an Omnic named Zenyatta working on the case as well. We will tell him who is in charge of the operation."

"Why are they not obeying their damn commands, they should obey all humans. We fucking created them."

"Woah, woah. I now understand you are enemy number one enemy of Null Sector." Bob joked.

"Don't joke about that, people will die." Izuma complained.

"And they should have morals. He will only attack those who do not want equality. So, everyone raise your hand if you think omnics and humans shouldn't live as equals?"

Only Izuma and Bakugo raised their hands.

"Well I guess we know who is gonna die then." Izuku said shrugging.

The two started laughing and Winston was chuckling as he logged onto his Spotify account and started being a DJ.

Five minutes later Monoma burst into the class, "Will you shut up people are trying listen to their homeroom teacher."

"D I L L I G A F. What does that spell?" Winston asked.

"Dilligaf. What does it even meab"

"Does It Look Like I Give A Fuck."

"Well I'll be damned. Can I join, Vlad King is trying to get us into classical music and it is utter bullshite." Monoma complained.

"Yeah why not."

And they pretty much just vibes to songs on his playlist.

In the afternoon it was time to pick their hero names.

They were visited by the big three to help them.

Aoyama went up first. He chose the name, I cannot stop twinkling. It was changed to I can't stop twinkling.

More like I cannot stop being vain.

Mina went up and chose the name Alien Queen.

This was shut down by Midnight who was also judging because she didn't like the name.

Izuku, Kirishima and Momo stood up, "That is harsh and opinionated."

"You are the fucking 18+ hero. Yet you can't allow someone to call themself Alien Queen because you don't like it." Izuku said.

"I agree with those three." Mirio said and Nejire nodded.

"Fine, fine. Alien Queen it is then."

Then Bakugo went up, "I fucking chose King Explosion Murder." He said.

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