Chapter 12 The UA sport festival finals

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"Alright, for the finals we will have a good fighting tournament now will the contestants make their way here." Midnight announced in front of Cementoss who was finishing the arena.

Deadpool: Previously in this book. They fought in a cavalry battle. And during the break Monoma was called a perverse person by their classmate. It was great.

Author: Bugger off Deadpool. Back to the story.

Deadpool: Fine but fuck you.

"Now the rounds are one on one fights, one at a time, the rules are you have to render them unable to battle. Murder is not an option."

"Wait a minute. I give up my spot." Ojiro said, "This may be about my pride for myself. But I fel-"

"Enough with the monologue. I haven't heard so much since I was back in England." Bob complained.

"I would also like to give up." A small person with light grey hair said.

"Ok, but no monologue. And do I know you?" Bob asked.

"I'm Nirengeki Shoda." The boy introduced.

"Ok so you two withdraw." Midnight said.

"Are you deaf woman." Bob almost yelled.

The crowd enjoyed the entertainment of a weird British teen yelling in a foreign language at Midnight amusing.

"Tha turns me on!" She then yelled.

"I am calling the police. I am calling the FBI. No I am calling the military. Why is the 18+ hero at a school anyway. You cannot say that on live TV. That is barely better than yelling racist things in the middle of the day on live TV." Bob pulled out a walkie-talkie.

"Hello. Winston here."

"Winston why the hell do you let Midnight run the sports festival."

"Snipe is Snipe. That's why. Nezu got five thousand and thirty pages of work from the commission. Thirteen is on a mission, All Might and Inko would be bias." He replied.

"What about Cementoss?"

"Well, uh. Be back."

"He hung up on me." Bob muttered to himself as he snatched the remote from Midnight and randomly made the match ups.

"Round one, Shinsou Vs Todoroki."

The two got onto the podium. And Todoroki went into a battle stance.

"Fight!" Midnight yelled.

"You must be so lucky having been born with such a heroic quirk." Shinsou taunted.

"Yeah, I guess so." Todoroki replied before going stiff.

"Now leave." Shinsou ordered.

Todoroki complied with the request.

"And Shinsou from the support course wins!" Mic yelled, "Next up is Bakugo Vs Izuku Rutledge."

The fighters once again got into a fighting stance and Izuku pulled out a hook and swung it.


The battle started Bakugo having learnt a lesson used his explosions to fly up into the air.

He then sent down a large explosion which was being held up by a shield attached to Izuku's arm.

As Bakugo fell, Izuku swung his hook at him and dragged him to the ground.

After a few punches to the face. Bakugo was bleeding and was prepared to end him.

He flew away from the hooked teen. He planned on blowing a hole through the shield and killing him.

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