Chapter 13 The good old days

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A lone omnic was sat on a cliff, a CD player by it's side.

Then the omnic started singing to itself, "I want it that way, tell me why."

"Ain't nothin but a heartache." A voice came from behind.

The player stopped.

"So, here you are brother. After all these years, you are back. I assume to help." The voice from the omnic said.

"Of course, I mean if my brother needs help then I outta help."

"Remember when it wasn't like this."

"Yeah I do. We were engineers. Car repair we worked in. So a trip down memory lane then?"

"Yes. Take a seat."


"Alright, here is the Omnic to help you in the garage. Now sign these forms." A government agent told the 22 year old.

He signed the paper.

"The Omnic is now in your possession. Goodbye." The government agent said walking off.

"Hello sir, I am ready to help around the workshop." The robot said.

"You don't need to use sur or whatever just use my name, Gary."

"Okay then Gary." The Omnic said.

"So what's your name?"

"I don't have one. We were only assigned numbers and letters."

"Damn, how about Ramattra. That sound good?"


A quick time lapse showed memories of the times they would watch horror films and laugh, or just listen to the radio.

Then one day as they were working on a car.

"Gary, we are going to need you to stop working on cars and using your quirk for hero work." The same government agent said.

The question is, how did she know about using the quirk to get the job done faster or for getting around the place.

"And what if I don't."

"We will be licensed to take away the Omnic."

"Well I already gave him freedom so, you can't do that."

"Ah yes, but somehow the hero commission always get their way." The woman shrugged her shoulders

He looked to the side at Ramattra, then back at the agent.

"Alright I'm in." He said shocking the other two, "No point in fighting right."

"Well you will have to come with us to sign the contract."

"And if I disagree with anything on their I edit it, or make my own or just decline outright."

"Seems fair. Now come with me."

"Allow me to finish something here first. Ramattra I need you there as well."

He took Ramattra to the parlor of his house, which was conveniently next to the garage.

"Alright, you see this staff."


"This has been handed down throughout generations of my family. And I think as my only relative, you should have it." He told the robot.

"Thank you. Brother."

"You're welcome. Now I should get going. I'll call you after if I'm not back."

"Is movie night still on?"

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