Chapter 8 Everything that happened until the Sports festival

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"Hey Törb" The man wearing goggles.

"Hello Engineer, how has it been."

"Pretty good other than someone dropping my beer on the teleporter, BECAUSE SOME OF US LIKE GETTING DRUNK ON THE JOB! And possibly causing destruction of other universes with some survivors floating through the void of space before ending up here."

"So an average Thursday."

"Pretty much."

The portal glowed brightly before someone wearing red and black walked through carrying a pair of katana and some guns.

"I'm here to kick ass and chew gum, but I'm all out of gum." He said before noticing a pack of gum on the floor, "Just my lucky day." He removed his mask and revealed Izuku?

"Who the fuck are you." Soldier 76 yelled out.

"I'm Deadpool." He noticed the other Izuku, "Ah Shit there is another me. Author why  did you do this."

Me: Stop breaking the fourth wall

"No I won't." He flipped off the sky with the class and others wondering what he meant by author.

Three people appeared, "We are here to help." The blonde and periwinkle haired people said however the dark haired one stayed silent.

They all came up to this Universe's Izuku (I'll call the other one Deadzuku), "Who are you and are you okay?" The periwinkle haired girl asked.

The blonde held her back, "Sorry about that her quirk gives her too much energy for her own good. I'm Mirio Togata, I don't really like formalities so call me Mirio. The hyper one is Nejire Hado and the shy one is Tamaki Amajiki."

"I'm sorry for asking you so much questions but do you want some help with that." She gestured to the spear in Izuku. He blushed at how she got so close to him and his father noticed this and chuckled to himself.

"Who would you all be?" Nezu questioned the TF2 members

Time for team intros.

"I am ze Medic." The one with a dove on his shoulder said.

"I am as you know the engineer as Törbjorn said before." The engineer introduced.

"I am Heavy weapons guy, I fear no man, but that thing," he gestured to gas masked one holding a flare gun, "It scares me."

The gas masked one stepped up, "MmmmpMmmmm" this shocked most of the people here.

"Pardon, what was that." Nezu asked.

"It iz ze Pyro and you don't mess vith him or her. We don't know it's gender." The medic answered for him or her.

"Yo, wassup. I'm the scout and I'm a force of nature." The baseball capped man said.

"G'day mate I am the sniper, I am a professional assassin, and everyone know professionals have standards, they are polite, efficient and they have a plan to kill everyone they meet" The sniper introduced. His last phrase startled them

"I am the er, eh what was I sayin oh yeah, I am the demoman." The Cyclops said.

"Attention, I am the soldier, and I kill for the great USA." The PTSD war veteran yelled out.

"Well where is the last one then I counted nine." Nezu looked around as he said this.

"Right behind you." He told him, "I am the Spy."

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