Chapter 9 Out of the portal

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I exist. Also this will be a short chapter, if it even counts as one.

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It was currently midnight the moon showing despite being an abundance of clouds.

The portal in the UA dungeon whirred, out of sight from anyone due to it breaking on it's way to UA.

A green tube stuck through and grabbed the side of the portal, another green tube stuck through and grabbed the other side and viciously pulled them away from each other.

The arms disappeared back into the portal with it being 15 feet tall, almost touching the roof, suddenly the portal starts vibrating and something blue hits the ground, it being connected to the portal still an arm found it's way through before a body staggered through, it was a deep shade of blue with a button for an eye this eye having an X in the middle indicating it couldn't see out of it or was like that for a reason. The other eye was large a circle inside a circle quite literally. It had a drool like substance running down it facial area.

It was soulless, it shambled around before sitting against the wall as if waiting for an arrival.

A small orange dinosaur creature a third the size of the last one jumped out of it and hit the wall, it was a small thing with flailing arms and legs that were so thin they looked like they could barely hold it up. It's eyes were bulging from the top of it's crocodile snout the pupils facing sideways as if it couldn't see forwards, the blue creature laughed in a low raspy voice.

The orange one started running around the portal whilst making a noise that sounded like a siren, as if it couldn't stop before a bag of dog food fell through and it ate it's way through that before falling asleep using the button eyed creature's crown as a nest.

Then a purple thing leapt out and burrowed itself into the vents, a thud could be heard before it came back into the dungeon it could be described as a purple noodle with a doorknob head and arms and legs. It roared, the sound echoing off the walls that absorbed the sound.

A green tube entered the room followed by yet another tube, a green noodle with legs and two noodle arms entered revealing the once hidden creature that opened the portal through time and space, the creature had two large eyes on top of it's hinged head inside of its mouth were a row of sharp teeth with a long protruding tongue, it staggered around indicating it was blind or dazed and hit the ground it got up and stepped and a party blower sound could be heard. The portal shut, scaring it in the process and it fell back into the corner of the room.

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Nezu was awake all night doing paperwork and playing online chess with whoever MLGMasterlolololol6969420 He went to wake Power Loader and Cementoss who followed him to the dungeon where the portal was located, the portal room when closed was four walls and a roof, it was also soundproof meaning when testing machinery they would go to that area. They finally arrived, Cementoss and Power Loader now in there hero suits were ready to fix the portal.

The door was opened by Cementoss, a straight line vertically in the middle of the cement wall the room was now accessible, Power Loader entered first looked at the machine and sighed before being jumped by the orange creature Nezu jumped backwards as Cementoss closed it down except opened a horizontal line in the wall to see what happened.

(It cannot mention in too much detail what happened without rating this book mature sooooo, I will simplify it.)

Nezu watched the fate of Power Loader and Cementoss couldn't bare to see what happened to his best friend. He was grabbed by each limb and torn to shreds, Cementoss wouldn't be able to rest easy for the rest of his life with the sound of his screams haunting him.

The helmet/head was tossed out and each creature took a part and ate it except for the orange derpasaur who was crunching on doggie treats.

Nezu decided to take the head to the best healers there were, Medic, Recovery Grandma and Mercy. They unfortunately could only bring back up to his elbows and kneecaps so be had to get mechanical ones. He was traumatized by bring eaten alive. Cementoss was crying and gave him a hug telling him it would be okay.

Nezu decided to study these creatures in the basement calling Winston and Engineer to help.

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One day after this happened, Nezu and the other two were going to study them when.

"Oh goodness, heeeelp me!" Nezu had been grabbed by the Purple doorknob and was being dragged, Engineer put a dispense- I mean sentry down and it started firing at it.

Startled by the noise the green noodle and blue hunchback were startled by the gunfire and broke down the cell wall. Winston went into primal rage and ripped off the arms of the green noodle but they regenerated within an instant, during his brief period of shock blue had grabbed Winston and suplexed him rendering him useless.

The Overwatch crew and Mercs appeared and started firing at them they retreated behind blue who was tanking the shots with no kind of side effect. Purple was distracted by the gunfire during this and released the almost eaten Nezu and during the time Nezu was recovering from the shock of almost dying purple snuck away.

Purple was behind the teams and used it's long arms to grab them all and throw them at the wall besides D.VA because her mech was too large it hit the floor landing next to Nezu who was almost crushed under the weight of the mech. Nezu pulled out a walkie talkie and alerted all pros across the country. Within seconds All Might burst through the wall, "I AM HERE!"

He was grimacing at the sight of this and ran to the derpasaur and beat the crap out of it KO'ing it the blue hunchback ran to All Might and threw him over it's shoulder before flopping unconscious onto the body of All Might who got up with much struggle and threw himself at the green spaghetti which blocked a fist due to the sound of the wind and obviously him running towards it.

It then grabbed his arm and tossed him to the ground before walking towards him and picking him up with a 9ft tentacle-arm and about bite off his head, before he let that happen he punched it. It staggered back and purple shot it's arms out and grabbed the now unconscious All Might who was saved by the bullet of a sniper hitting the centre of the doorknob rendering it unable to battle thanks to Snipe.

Party feet shortly fell after being kicked around and almost deafened by Mic.

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On the day of the Sports festival.

"Okay class after the Sports finishing ceremony is done we have something's to show you in the UA basement." Winston told the class whilst holding a bag of ice over his eye.

Little to say this worried the class that UA had a basement and the school was ran by Nezu.

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That is a wrap for now.

That is a wrap for now

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