8.0 • Adam & Adah

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Adam- I'm coming to pick you up ❤️

Adah put her phone back on the work desk and began going through the file of her new court case. But her phone pinged again.

Adam- Excuse me, at least type an Okay ☹️

Adah sighed before typing an Okay and put her phone back. But her phone pinged again.

Adam- Just an Okay? No heart emoji?

Adah rolled her eyes before raining heart emojis in the chat. She put her phone on silent before putting it in the drawer. At last, she focused back on her work. However, she couldn't get even half of it done when the door of her office swung open and her fiance entered the room.

"Hey, cutie pie!" Adam smiled and took long steps towards her who was sitting behind her desk and looking at him in confusion. He gave her a side hug before kissing her cheek which received him a harsh push from her.

"We are not married, Adam," She warned him as she began to collect the files and papers spread on her desk.

"Oh yeah, you may get pregnant with one kiss." He commented with sarcasm.

Adah gave him a look before carrying her handbag and heading out of the office room. Adam walked behind her.

✿ ✿ ✿

Some time later, Adam and Adah were sitting among their families for a family dinner. Adah couldn't focus on the chicken biryani in her plate because her half-sister Zeba was looking at Adam as if he was a Gol-Gappa.

"So when are you both planning to get married?" Adam's mother asked.

Adam and Adah exchanged looks before politely ignoring the question. Adam put a big morsel in his mouth while Adah too began throwing spoonfuls of biryani into her stomach.

Their families looked at them in bewilderment. Adam's mother sighed before saying,"Both of you are twenty-eight. If not now, when will you both get married?"

"Once we feel like getting married," Adam replied once he was done chewing the food.

"I hope you get that feeling soon." His mother mumbled before continuing her dinner.

✿ ✿ ✿

That night Adah kept twisting and turning on her bed. Sleep was miles away from her. But then the ping of her phone brought a smile on her blank face. She picked it up from under the pillow and saw Adam's message.

Adam- I can't sleep. Mom's words are ringing in my head. 😕

Adah- Me too ☹️

Adam- So should we get married?

Adah- Maybe. It's been very long since we got engaged.

Adam- Okay, I'll talk to Mama in the morning. 😉

Adah- I want to tell you something.

Adam- I'm listening, I mean, reading. 😁

Adah- No, we will talk about it tomorrow. I'll come to your clinic for lunch.

Adam- As you wish, cutie pie 🥧

Adah- Good night 🌜

Adam- Love you 😚

She smiled to herself before putting the phone back under the pillow but not before putting it on silent.

✿ ✿ ✿

Next afternoon Adah and Adam were sitting in a restaurant adjacent to Adam's clinic. He had ordered a Chicken Korma for both of them. They were silently eating the lunch but then Adah dropped the bomb on him.

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