Chapter 2 🤨

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"As I was saying before you...interrupted, I have a pretty big house If you wanted to stay for a yeah." I raise an eyebrow and frown.

"Fairchild I'm not an idiot, can't you just leave me be for once," I am starting to get more sad than angry at this point.

"Maybe you are an idiot because you think that I'm a dick who just uses his parents money as an excuse to act shitty and superior," I look at him, unsure of where he is going with he secretly poor or something? Or is he about to reveal some weird ass story about how his parents are rich? Maybe he is part of the mafia! Nah he's like sixteen, surely not.

"To be honest, yes I have a lot of money, money passed down to me through my parents will. It's not an excuse for me being incredibly nice to you all of the time but I just felt like I should tell you that they're dead because you sounded like an idiot when you used them to insult me and I knew you would feel bad..." He says, his voice wavering between being obnoxious, sweet? and sarcastic. I didn't know what to say to him. I turned around in his moment of physical and emotional weakness and used all of my strength to wrap him into a hug, a rather unexpected hug for both of us. His school uniform felt cold and stiffly ironed, his arms were quite hot but not sweaty. His breathing seemed really normal considering the amount of confusion and shock he was surely feeling. 

"I'm sorry," I say quietly, all the guilt in the world weighing me down. He doesn't hug me back, instead he stands there with his arms by his side and his head resting on mine which was resting half on his chest and half on his shoulder which were bony and warm through his clothing. 

Slowly after about twenty comfortable seconds I started to let go since I assumed that it could start getting awkward If I stayed there too long. He didn't seem to like that idea since he swiftly pulled me back into the embrace which was now no longer one sided. He held me quite tight, I slightly struggled to breathe but for some reason unknown to me, I didn't even mind. 

"Thanks," He muttered as he pulled away, taking a step back. Although I was now hotter than a blue flame my body started to acquire goosebumps that spread all up my arms and legs. I felt the cold warmth send a shiver down my spine, all I could do was stare at his face, the face of someone who I hate and think thoughts that I have never even dared to think.

"Issy," Miles says, slightly too loud compared to our near silent surroundings but altogether at a normal volume. I am still slightly unsure about why we are in a supply cupboard but I'm sure if a teacher asks, we can just say that Miles was comforting me in a more private and quiet environment since I had just found out my Mum had overdosed today. Come on, no teacher is going to believe that. They WOULD believe that we were making out in here or skipping class though.

"Yeah?" I reply, my throat was rough due to the lack of practice talking in the past, what felt like an hour but what was really about three minutes.

"I think that Miss Grose, the old woman that looks after me and my sister, would be completely fine if you were to stay for a while."

"My sister and I... also, that sounds nice," I smile as I try to look into his eyes even though it is still pitch black in here.

"Really, My sister and I," He mocks.

"Fairchild, do you have feelings for me or something? Is that why you're always so irritating around me?" I ask suddenly, as he froze, clearly unsure of how to respond. Maybe that was a bit too confronting, shit, I scared the poor boy. I scared myself...I did not think that through at all.

"Ew, of course not, you're more of a torturously annoying younger sibling," He said quite obviously trying to shut his feelings off, maybe I should kiss him and see what happens, no because then I still have a week until break which means I could probably just cause awkwardness and embarrassment if I accidentally read him wrong...also I hate him so there's that as well. I find his response really weird because when people call someone their sibling its because they are close and I never really thought of Miles as anything but a precocious popular kid set on killing me slowly with taunts and attitude.

"So you see me as your sister...?" I respond slowly.

"Yes? No...forget the sister part," He says, quickly.

"If I stay at your house are you going to lay off being a Jackass or are you going to be even worse than usual?" I ask. I still can't believe that I straight up asked him if he has feelings for me, where the fuck is my confidence coming from, damn.

"Depends," Miles replies in a slightly deeper, low voice which nearly made me grab him and smash my lips onto his but I realize that I am supposed to be hating him so that would be inapropriate. For some reason my view of him has changed, I don't know what's going on to be honest but I am pissed that I am finding him hot all of the sudden. I mean a part of me always found him attractive but his personality used to put me off quite a lot. I mean he isn't that bad. He constantly teases me and makes slightly crude rumours up about me to his friends, some being that I have a massive crush on him and that I tried to kiss him on multiple occasions which I would never do. There was also that one time where he kept making out with different girls against MY locker for five consecutive days. Ok he is still a horrible person in my mind but maybe him offering to let me stay (although he was eavesdropping on my PRIVATE conversation) may have been his way of saying sorry. Anyway, I'm kind of nervous to see what happens, all I know is that no matter what, my friends can't know, they will go ballistic, especially Mal who has liked Fairchild since forever. God if any of them new that I am going to be staying at Miles Fairchild's house for the holidays, I am pretty sure they would freak, not in a bad way but in an annoying, screechy fangirl way. 

It's now Sunday and everyone is packing up and most have left to go home for the Christmas holidays. Me however, well I'm waiting at the front steps of my school with Miles who is waiting for Miss Grose to send someone to pick him up, well us up. He hasn't said one mean thing to me since the day he asked me to stay with him for the holidays which is still extremely surprising to me, maybe he really has changed. I sit very still whilst I continue to contemplate just how trustworthy he is, maybe he is planning something really bad...or maybe he isn't. 

"Do you like horses?" Miles asks out of the blue having reached peak boredom.

"Well they're majestic creatures but I prefer frogs, especially little green tree frogs. Imagine how cute they would be if little red and white spotted mushrooms grew off of the tops of their heads or backs. Maybe someone in the future will try to create a hybrid or something, unless they already exist and humans just don't know," I give a lengthy reply, awkwardly rambling on and going extremely off topic since I had been fighting the urge to tell Miles how thankful and excited I am for the past week ever since the cabinet epiphany as I like to call it, occurred.

"Ok...well I guess that could be ''cute". But anyway I have horses back home and I was wondering If you would like me to teach you how to ride...the horses of course," He says. I try to ignore his little off putting remark at the end which would have been funny from any of my actual friends but from him just seemed strange.

"Yeah that would be awesome," I say politely even though the concept of riding horses already gives me a concussion because I am extremely likely to fall. I had tried to ride a horse before and I just remember not even being able to get onto it.

"You know, you can actually be cute when you aren't being completely insufferable ," He smirks.

"Is that supposed to be a compliment because either way, thank you," I said in a mock sweet voice, amping up my "cuteness" dramatically since I never want him to see me as anything less then insufferable. 

"Your welcome," Miles says, looking me in the eyes for an excessive amount of time before returning to staring ahead at the big driveway. Whilst he was looking at me I was pretty sure I was going to stand up and leave because that level of eye contact was way too intimidating.

"You're probably going to get along with my little sister since you're energetic and chatty, plus I bet she probably thinks frogs and mushrooms are cute too," He says. I just look at him trying to decipher if he was being genuinely nice or condescending. I think he was being...nice? Huh, confusing.

"Well that's us," Miles says nodding in the direction of the driveway.

"Hm?" I reply looking to where he has started pointing at.

"Oh ok," I say as we both made our way towards the rich guy looking  black car.

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