Chapter 30 👙

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Two hours from then, we are sitting on our towels drying up. We had lunch and also collected an abundance of shells. Most of them are going to be given to Flora but I wanted to keep five of them since some were just so unique and interesting and I love stuff like that.

"So are we going to go back home first and then go to The Icebox?" Miles asks.

"Yeah let's do that, we can have showers and get dressed into better clothes as well. Also we would still be damp, it's cold there and I don't want us to get pneumonia during the holidays," I reply.

"Ok, well do you want to walk back or..." Miles trails off. I think he was probably going to say get Quint to pick us up. I can't help but think that some part of him thinks Quint is alive, denial, a common response to loss.

"Lets walk," I say, although I hate walking so much and it will take at least twenty minutes.

"Are you sure?" Miles asks.

"I mean yeah, it's only like five pm anyway," I say.

"And Flora would want to see us before we disappear all night, also dinner. Miss Grose will get all annoyed with us for disappearing since she has been extra firm on me since you know...the fight and Kate and shit," Miles says.

"Let's start walking now then," I say as we pack up our stuff and head home.

Ten minutes into the walk Miles stops and just stands there, puffed out.

"You know I honestly didn't think you were going to agree with waking back, there was a phone booth right in front of the beach, we could have called Miss Grose so that she could have sent a driver to pick us up," Miles says, jogging up to me since I just kept walking when he stopped.

"But we would have ruined the leather seats with sand and sea water," I say, leaning forward and brushing more sand off of my legs.

"The maids or someone else would have cleaned it up though," Miles argues back. I still find it so weird that he has "maids." He expects them to just clean up after every single thing he and Flora does as If he is way more privileged than them. I mean I get that is their job but still, he could be WAY more polite to them then he is. I decide I can't be bothered lecturing him about this matter right now so I just say something else instead.

"Well I don't like sitting in cars when I'm dripping wet and sandy, it's uncomfortable," I exclaim, making a point of rubbing MORE GOD DAMN sand off of my body.

"Well you know what else is uncomfortable?" Miles starts. Well me still liking you even though you cheated on me and nearly killed a guy...that's a bit uncomfy Miles.

"Walking home," I finish, flatly.

"Exactly," Miles murmurs.

"At least it's scenic," I say, pointing calmly at a dead deer at the side of the road, ants crawling across its bloodied, matted fur and squashed body. Miles gags. I let out a snort of laughter, I know I shouldn't but him gagging was just so funny to me.

"How are you laughing at this," Miles says incredulously, looking at me in disbelief and amusement.

"I'm not laughing at Mr Pancake Bones I'm laughing at you," I say...ok calling the creature Mr Pancake Bones might have been too far even for me.

"Yeah well your not the one who walked close to it, I nearly stepped on the broken bone sticking out of its fucking ankle," Miles says, his face contorting into this disgusted frown. I chuckle a bit since he was majorly exaggerating he literally was nowhere near it. He turns his head to face me and smiles as he watches me laugh to myself. I instantly stop, he can't be doing stuff like that, my weak heart will fall for him even quicker than ever if he looks at me like that. I clear my throat.

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