Chapter 32🍹

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I uncross my legs and start to bounce my knee up and down. I am worried that someone (Harley or some drunk) is going to come up to me whilst Miles is gone.

"You having fun on your date?" Someone asks, leaning on the backing of the booth I'm in. I spin around, extremely confused as to who it is.

"Matteo, it's been so long," I smile, finally making eye contact with his familiar face. I met up with him several times during last holidays but it still feels like ages.

"I know right, I was hoping to see you since my cousin goes to your school and he is on school holidays and I remember seeing you last holidays so I assumed I would see you here again," Matteo said, excitedly. 

"Who's your cousin?" I ask, since this is new information to me.

"Jonah Smithers," Matteo says. The name is familiar to me but I don't remember where it was from. OH! Jonah from the Library the one who kept looking at Amara. What a small world. Come to think of it Matteo and Jonah do look a bit similar.

"Yeah I know him," I say, smiling reminiscently at the times Amara and I got judged heavily by him during our giggle fits and dramatic tea spilling conversations.

"Oh it's you," Miles says, as he comes back holding a little bowl of chilli sauce. He sits down beside me again, this time closer than before. I find it funny how protective he is of me.

"Hey..." Matteo trails off, waiting for Miles to properly introduce himself since he didn't last time. 

"Miles," He finishes, his tone is polite but Matteo and I can tell he is trying really hard to be nice. 

"So Miles what are you doing with this fine lady tonight, huh?" Matteo asks. Miles doesn't respond with much, all he does is gesture at the table as if to say...Um? having dinner. I am starting to panic at the slight awkward tension between the three of us.

"If you're here alone, did you wanna sit with us?" I ask Matteo. Miles glances at me but says nothing.

"No thanks, I'm here with someone, but you two enjoy yourselves," Matteo grins, as he gets up from his seat and walks out of his booth. 

"Wait! Can we meet on Wednesday to catch up?" I ask quickly.

"Yeah sure, what time?" Matteo replies, stopping and looking back at me. 


"Yeah sounds good," He agrees as he walks off towards a group of people roughly our age, maybe older.

"Enjoy," The waiter from before says as he places the chicken wings and cheese sticks on the table. 

"Thank you," I smile. Miles and I don't hesitate to start eating.

I grab a chicken wing and fully dip it in the spicy sauce that is set in a small bowl next to the cheese sticks. I take a bite of the chicken wing and immediately feel the heat overwhelm my taste buds. It isn't a good sauce but it has a pretty nice spice factor. As I keep casually chewing the chicken, I turn around and see Miles who is red in the face slightly and chugging and refilling his cup of water.

"How are you eating that," He asks with wide eyes. I wipe my mouth and swallow my third bite of the chicken wing before replying,

"I have a high spice tolerance," I say as I make a big deal of dipping the next chicken wing in A LOT more sauce.

"I can see that," Miles replies, having a quick sip of water before picking up a cheese stick with his fork and taking a bite, I watch as a string of cheese stretches from his mouth to the cheese stick on his fork. I pick up a cheese stick and break it in two with my knife and fork, the cheese oozes out of it and onto my plate which has a bit of the chili sauce on it. 

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