Chapter 18 🤩

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Amara, Allegra, Mal and I enter the surprisingly big room which the dance is being hosted in. All of the furniture had been moved out, now there was just a big space to dance, tables with food and drink, paper plates and a little chocolate fountain. The school really went all out, damn.

"Care to dance, beautiful?" Allegra says in a fake deep accent.

"Yes of course, may I just say you look immaculate in that outfit, fine sir," I responded, matching her energy. We laugh and walk to the dancefloor which has no one on it yet, everyone went for the food first. Secretly I wanted to as well but instead I made a beeline for the dance floor with Allegra who does dancing classes and desperately wanted to show off her moves.

We dance to the groovy fast paced songs which are surprisingly my taste in music, I knew the lyrics to most of them. After a while of laughing and busting moves that definitely kept everyone else at a safe distance away from us, we decided to get some food and a glass of cherry punch each.

"Oh my god you guys the punch is so yummy," Rosie says walking up to us with multiple glasses of it in her arms.

"Are those for us or...?" Allegra asked, confused.

"No, they are for her. I told her she can just fill the cup up again but she said that she would rather have a lot of full cups so that she didn't have to make multiple trips to the punch bowl," Marnie says, flatly.

"Exactly," Rosie says smiling as she cautiously takes a sip of the punch in her left hand.

I walk over to the bowl and fill two cups of punch for Allegra and I to try.

"It's actually really nice," I say after having three or so sips.

"Wait, does it have alcohol in it?" Allegra asked, eying the drink suspiciously.

"No, I don't think..." Rosie says, hesitantly looking at Marnie for confirmation.

"No it shouldn't," Marnie says, looking at Rosie for a bit too long.

"I'm gonna go get something to eat," I say walking off, Allegra follows and Rosie and Marnie start bantering about something to do with the song that is playing.

"How does this sound like The Beatles? It's literally David Bowie!" I hear Marnie exclaim loudly.

"I don't know, it just does," Rosie retorts.

"Those two are going to be the death of me," Allegra laughs.

"They are going to be the death of each other," I respond, laughing at my own joke because I am hilarious.

"Hey Allegra, want to dance," A voice asks from behind us. Allegra turns around to face the voice and so do I. It's Mattheo.

"Um no thank you, I'm actually here with someone so...yeah sorry," Allegra says smirking at me. I look at Mattheo and raise my eyebrows as if to say, move along bitch.

"Your all so stuck up," Mattheo says bitterly, rolling his eyes and walking away.

"He just makes me want to punch something," Allegra says, looking back at him annoyedly.

"I agree," I chuckle. We laugh and eat for a bit before returning back to the dance floor since they started playing No Scrubs which is one of the best songs ever according to Amara. Allegra and I sing loudly and dance badly but enthusiastically for at least two hours straight. The dance floor is pretty crowded at this point but not as bad as the Icebox usually is. A slow song comes on which Allegra and I dance to together in a dramatic ballroom style way which we try to stay serious whilst doing but can't. I look over Allegra's shoulder and notice Rosie and Marnie dancing together, they look into each other's eyes passionately, knowing that they would be bullied if they kiss then and there.

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