Chapter 15 😠

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After Miles finishes reading the book to us, I tell them both that I am going to take a nap since I am so tired of socializing even if it is with the cutest little sibling ever and the boy who I am pretty sure I want to marry. 

After a while of trying to sleep, I get up to go get a drink of water when I hear voices from inside a room that is a couple of doors from mine. I creep around until I find the source. My ear magically finds its way against the door, oh no does that mean I am listening in on someone's conversation, bad.

"I don't know, I think Issy was just bothered by what you said at lunch, I mean you had every right," I hear Miles say from inside the room, he is talking about QUINT! What does he fucking mean 'you had every right'. I thought I knew him but now I don't know what to think! I can't hear Quint's words but I hear him grumble some reply, probably an excuse for his actions, manipulative slimy bitch.

"Miss Grose can't just tell you off about wearing MY fathers clothes, your basically family anyway so it doesn't even matter, she was just being overdramatic." Miles says angrily. This is the most alarming conversation I have ever eavesdropped in on and I eavesdrop on people a lot.

"Yeah well the old hag will die off soon enough," Quint says. I think he is moving toward the door since I was able to hear him this time.

"Thank god," I hear Miles say as he and Quint laugh secretively as if they are best mates. They continue talking but I can't bear to keep listening. Instead of running away which is what I feel like doing right now, I quietly walk a couple of doors away and pace into the bathroom. I sit on top of the closed toilet lid and cry, my body shaking from pure rage. I want to smash something, glass maybe. I want to punch Quint and scream at him. I stand up suddenly and force my legs to walk out of the bathroom. As I rush out, I bump into Miles who had just come out of that room where he was talking to Quint who has now just stepped out of the door as well. I glare up at him before grabbing his wrist tightly and dragging him to my room. He looks down at my lips before looking back to my eyes. How is he misreading all of my very obvious signals right now? Is he brainwashed or something!?

After a while of me just angrily staring up at him he finally starts to get confused.

"What?" He asks as if I'm acting crazy. I take a big breath, nothing is going to get through to him if I just yell at him.

"Is this about lunch because I don't understand why you are still pressed about that," Miles says, rolling his eyes at me. I am still grabbing his wrist and he notices this but doesn't try to get out of my grip.

"It's not just about that Miles. It was in front of Flora," I say, trying to keep calm even though I honestly want to punch someone.

Miles responds by giving me an attitude, "And?"

"What do you mean AND? It upset her," I say looking at him, trying to get through to him. He can't possibly see nothing wrong in this whole situation.

"She is MY sister not yours, you don't know how she feels, you're just saying that to make me see your point, which I don't," He says coldly. I am very taken aback, what the shit is happening.

"Miles, what Quint said to Miss Grose was horrible and sexist. I can't excuse his behaviour and if you're going to side with him for some reason, then I don't even know what to think," I say.

"You're being so emotional over nothing," Miles rolls his eyes at me. He angrily grabs the hand that is still gripping onto him and harshly rips it off of his wrist, holding it in the air and looking at me, he leans in towards my face and looks at me coldly. He drops my hand and walks out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Tears start to well in my eyes, angry tears.

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